
3 of 111: Goal 102

So, apparently I've been slacking on blogging. For that, I apologize. Who exactly I'm apologizing to, I'm not sure, but I'm sorry nonetheless. I've gotta find some motivation!

Meanwhile, I have been motivated to continue completing goals on my list of 111 goals in 2011! I recently completed #102 on my list: buy and use quinoa flour/seeds! This probably sounds like the nerdiest thing on Earth, and it probably is. However, let me bore you with why this was a goal of mine...

First of all, I've definitely been trying to eat healthier, not because I want to lose weight, but because I think it'd be good for my lungs. Quinoa (pronounced "keen-wah") would definitely qualify as a health food, possibly just by its price. The healthier you plan to eat, the poorer you should plan to be.

I read about quinoa one day on StumbleUpon on a page that had a list of "superfoods." Apparently quinoa is a "whole protein" (don't ask, because I don't completely understand), so I was immediately sold on it and wanted to try it. I figure the more protein I eat, the more likely it is that I'll gain weight (another goal for the year). So far I haven't had much luck, but that's besides the point.

Basically, the best way I can describe quinoa, or at least the quinoa flakes I bought and ate, is... healthy oatmeal. When you cook it, it's actually supposed to be "hot cereal," but where I'm from, we call that oatmeal. Now what's the point of healthy oatmeal, you ask? Isn't oatmeal healthy enough? Well, frankly, I'd have to agree with you. However, I had to try it, because it was listed as a "superfood" and I thought I'd grow wings or suddenly dawn a cape and fly away by eating this stuff.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

Quinoa tastes alright, for the most part. And personally, when I remember, I like to add it to my smoothies. However, I could just as easily add oatmeal, which costs about a tenth of the price and doesn't tease me with hopes of achieving superhuman strength.

So, although I'm not a diehard fan of quinoa, I'd suggest it to anyone who isn't on a college student's budget and is looking for healthy alternatives for their diet. Regardless, though, I knocked another goal off for 2011! Only 108 to go!


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