
10 of 111: Goals 80 & 81

I have an announcement to make.

Frankly, it's important.

It may or may not be relevant to anything I've ever talked about on this blog.

I tried calling a press conference. Apparently, though, when you announce something on a website, there isn't a need for the press, since this whole "internet" thing exists.

My announcement is this:

After a month and a half, my mourning has ended. My tears have dried. I have stopped losing sleep (for the most part). 

I have stopped mourning the end of Monk.


By now, hopefully you have learned not to take me seriously. If, in the last minute of reading, you took me seriously for even a moment, I apologize. Sort of. In the half-hearted, "Well, okay, I guess..." sort of way. 

But seriously, I weeped a little on the inside as I finished up Goal 81 on my list of 111 in 2011.

If you don't know about the show Monk, you're missing out. The show is based on the adventures of a detective named Adrian Monk who is afflicted with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. His mental disorder, though a hindrance at times, helps him to see things no other detective can see. As he says, "It's a blessing... and a curse."

The show is hilarious, well-written, and really makes you think at times. And to boot, every single episode is on Instant Stream on Netflix. So this is me shamelessly plugging Netflix, but mostly so you can watch Monk. Once you start, you won't be able to (and won't want to) stop.

So although I was in denial as we wrapped up the finale in early February, I knew I had to move on. It was difficult. In fact, it was a downright struggle. However, I made a goal to find a new show to replace Monk, because I knew the day would come when we would finally have to part ways.

The next show on our Instant Queue?


Okay, so if you know anything about Psych, you know that I traded one acutely observant detective for another. Psych is about a "detective" named Shawn and his partner, Gus. They convince the police department (and almost everyone else) that Shawn is psychic and start a psychic detective agency. Shawn and Gus proceed to solve cases through thorough investigation and a little luck, causing a lot of problems and a lot of laughs along the way.
After about two or three episodes, I realized how similar Monk and Psych are. The bitterness in my heart toward whoever decided to end Monk grew daily. However, I have eventually come to realize that it is not Psych's fault that Monk ended. I can't take out my grief on them. So, in an attempt to be a better person (or something like that), I have decided to give Psych the benefit of the doubt and to enjoy the show. And frankly, I love it. If you're looking for a new show, Psych is definitely worth checking out.

All of that rambling to say this: I scratched another two goals off of my 111 in 2011! And that's 10 down! Only 101 to go!
What are some of your favorite shows on TV or on your Netflix queue?

Disclaimer: I have to write this, because, well, some of you take me too seriously. Anyway, I'm not really all that attached to Monk or Psych. I do enjoy the shows, but I didn't openly weep when Monk ended, and I realize that eventually, Psych will come to an end as well. At least I think it will. Okay, but seriously, if you took me halfway seriously at all as you read this, go back, and pretend you're reading the ramblings of a four year old, because that's about as serious as I was being. That is all!


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