I have a pretty sweet story I want to tell you guys.
It happened just last week, actually.
Except it was in the middle of the night. Sort of. Like, halfway.
The first part of the story did happen at night. 12:30 AM, to be exact. And though my wife definitely has a different perspective on what happened that night, I couldn't pay her to post on here, so you're stuck with me.
About a week ago, I woke up randomly in the middle of the night. For starters, I wasn't sleeping well that night (which happens sometimes, especially when I get frustrated with my oxygen tubes). As I woke up, I heard something, like a hammer. I figured it was some construction down the street, so I ignored it and tried my best to fall asleep.
And then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the hammer landed. On our bedroom window.
Okay, okay. So this is this story could go two ways at this point:
A: The hammer landed, our window shattered, and I had to take down some stupid burglars who actually thought we had something worth stealing.
B: It was our neighbor, knocking profusely on our window. Nothing broke, and I still didn't move.
I'd like to think that the truth lies somewhere in between, but we both know that isn't true.
So, eventually, because I was lifeless, my wonderful wife got up and answered our door for whoever was knocking (the "hammer" I heard "down the street"). Meanwhile, I'm still lying motionless in our bed, because that's what I do when I'm tired, ya know? (I know - "Lamest Husband Ever" award right here).
Turns out that maintenance thinks our bathroom is flooded because there is a leak downstairs in our neighbor's apartment. They intrude and investigate, making all kinds of noise and turning on all kinds of light, just to leave without telling us anything (or shutting off any lights). Turns out our bathroom was as dry as the Sahara, which apparently was disappointing to them.
What I didn't know was that this was a sign of things to come...
The next day, we both woke up a little irritated that we had lost sleep, but we managed. My wife went to wash her hands (or something like that), and all of a sudden, I hear some yelling that I figure is directed toward me...
We had no water.
Well, poop. I mean, well... let's not even go there.

Mostly, though, it reminded me of how a lot of people have to live. Many, many people in the world don't even have access to clean water, let alone clean water that runs. 884 million people, to be exact.
So, because I spent a day without water, I want to plug one of my favorite charities (I know, it's so logical, right?): Active Water.
I won't drone on about the awesome work that they do, because I want you to check it out for yourself. But I am writing this so that you'll remember them next time you're looking for a way to make a difference in this world.
Question: Your turn! What's an organization you're aware of that does work worth investing in?