Apparently, you seem to like her too. It seems that my most popular posts are about her. Like this one, for instance.
I've got a secret to tell you about us, though. Promise you won't tell?
Okay, well, here it is...
We... Well, we break things.
Before your mind gets going - no, this is not a post about an old country song I can't seem to get out of my head.
We literally break stuff. All. The. Flippin'. Time.
Prime example number one is the fact that my wife never blogs or posts on here - we would probably accidentally press the Nuke button on the blogosphere. And then she'd probably be ticked at me for ruining all of her favorite blogs. But that's beside the point.
Some real examples of things we've broken: our car window, our soap dispenser, our internet (frequently!), Kalyn's old laptop (may it rest in pieces...) and so, so much more.
We can't help it. We're a little clumsy.
So we're careful. We take precautions. For instance, the only type of dishes that we own, besides mugs, are either Tupperware (which will survive World War III) or Corelle (which looks a lot like glass but is a lot more... droppable).
Sometimes, though, we break things on purpose.
Eek... That was the part of our secret I wasn't supposed to let out.
You see, we got married young. And though it may be "trendy," it's typically a big no-no where we live. It just doesn't happen much, and if it does, it ends quickly and doesn't end well. And since we started off breaking the rules, we figured we might as well continue.
So we unabashedly break them.
Sometimes, I drive to school. Meanwhile, Kalyn walks.
Sometimes, Kalyn carries stuff to the car for us, like laundry baskets or our bags. I carry the keys.
Sometimes, Kalyn plans our dates. And hey, sometimes I do, too.
Sometimes we joke about who's the "head" of the house. But we both know who the real leader is.
I know, I know. You're thinking I'm a terrible husband. Or that we're still young and haven't really figured things out yet. Or that we've murdered chivalry or some nonsense like that.
Well, this is the internet, so you're free to think want you want.
But I'll let you know that, despite all of the things we've accidentally and purposefully broken, we're better people because of it. We love each other more deeply, and love God more passionately. We've become who we are because we're with each other, and we'd have it no other way. We'll be happily (and sometimes sadly, and sometimes angrily, and sometimes laughingly) married until God decides our poor lungs have had enough.
Doesn't sound like anything's broken to me.
Does anything seem broken to you?
... ... ...
Questions: What does an "ideal" relationship look like to you? What sort of things do you break (or hope to break) in your relationship?
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