And since yesterday was Sunday, that means a guy named Tim Tebow played a game called football. And whether he did well or poorly, people were talking about him yesterday and are still talking about him today.
Have you heard of him?
Well, it turns out he did pretty well yesterday. But I'm not here to talk about Tim Tebow. Nope. I've got something more important to talk about.
The kid is clearly in a little over his head. But what he lacks in age, he makes up for in charisma. Tim Tebow bleeds energy, and it's evident that everyone around him is better for that.
Again, though, that isn't what's important. I'm not here to write about Tim Tebow. Or football. Or whether God favors the Broncos (because he doesn't). In fact, allow me to use good ol' Timmy to illustrate what I do want to talk about. Check out this interview with him after the game yesterday (skip to 1:15 if you don't want to watch it all).
Did you catch it?
In the midst of all the football mumbo-jumbo and nose wiping, did you catch it?
Tim reminded us all of what matters, and it had nothing to do with football.
In case you couldn't (or just didn't want to) watch the video, here's what happened. A reporter asked him, "Do you have a sense of what kind of phenomenon you are nationwide right now?"
His reply?
I’m very thankful for the platform God has given me…
It’s special to have the platform of playing football because I have an opportunity to affect people.
I was very excited to have Bailey Knaub here at this game… Football is amazing, we love it, but the real win is being able to comfort a girl who’s gone through 73 surgeries before the game and get a chance to go hang out with her now. That’s the biggest win of the day, so they’re both exciting, but that’s what I’m even more proud of.
Though Tim Tebow just set all kinds of records and was being lauded by the press as a nationwide phenomena, he remembered what was important. He remembered that he was just playing a game, and that the game was just a platform for something greater - in this case, comforting a girl who's been through more than any of us can imagine.
But like I said, I'm not here to write about Tim Tebow. I'm here to write about me. About you. About us.
Guys, gals, friends, family, and foes - we need to remember what's important. To remember what the "biggest win of the day" is for us. We slave over our jobs and our hobbies, whether that's writing, being a full time stay-at-home parent, or working whatever hours Wal-Mart will give us, and most days (especially Mondays), we don't enjoy it much.
But this week, even if just for a single moment, let's remember what's important. Let's put what's given to us as our "platform" in its proper place and use it for what its worth, even if we don't enjoy it
And then, let's see what's important: the people around us that matter the most. The people crying and dying for help. That someone who needs a helping hand. And those other someones we maybe neglect more than we should.
If there's anything you do today, let it be this:
Remember what's important. And then do something about it.
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Questions: What's your biggest win of the day? How do you remind yourself of what's important? How can you do something about that today?
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