As you brushed your teeth.
As you took a shower.
As you drank your first sip of coffee.
Did it cross your mind?
When you drove your car from there to here.
When you washed your hands at work.
When you took a swig of water to quench your thirst.
Did you even notice?
My friend, if you did any of these things this morning, you're privileged. But not just you. Me. We. We are blessed to have access to clean, running water. And all we have to do is turn a faucet for that stream of life to flow effortlessly into our hands, into our mouths, into our bodies.
Today, my friends, is World Water Day, and is as good of a day as any to remember: we are blessed beyond our wildest dreams. We are able to strive to live our lives to the full (our "life before the bucket"), while others struggle to live life at all.
Today, though, I want to do more than remember. I want to spread this life that we have. To give others the opportunities that we have. And though the step is small, it is significant.
I want to help raise money to help train a mechanic to fix and maintain wells so that others can have the opportunity to live their lives to the fullest.
Why well-mechanics? Well, first of all, we want to bring about something substantial and sustainable. We're keeping in step with the age-old adage, "Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime." Second of all, wells break, and thus, need fixing. A well-mechanic can do just that.
I originally thought that raising $100 toward this cause would be great. And it would be. But then I realized - we can do so much more.
On average, about 75 to 100 people read Life Before the Bucket on a daily basis. This means that if every person who reads donates $10 toward educating and equipping a well-mechanic, we could fully fund the education of
It sounds like you may only be helping two people live out their lives more fully, but think about this:
Two mechanics will be trained.
Those two people will care for 50 wells each.
Fifty functioning wells ensures clean water for five-thousand people.
That means, if we're able to fully support two mechanics, we, in this tiny microcosm of the world wide web, could drastically affect the lives of ten thousand people.
That's mind-boggling.
So here's your mission, if you choose to accept it:
1. In the next week, check out our fundraising page.
2. After you've read up on what we're doing, donate $10. It's quick, it's easy, it's painless. And if $10 is a stretch for you, consider foregoing a luxury in lieu of providing clean water for others. It's worth it - I promise.
3. Finally, after you've donated, tell at least two friends. Send them here, or better yet, send them straight to the fundraising page.
And hey, as an added bonus, if we reach $550 (our goal), we'll receive a story and photo about a mechanic we've helped. How cool is that?!
Plus, just to add a little incentive - I'll be hosting a giveaway if we reach our goal - and I promise it'll be more than $5 this time.
So here we go, my friends. This will be a week that will change lives all across the world.
Will you be a part of it? Donate now.