Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts


Everyday Heroes

Every Saturday, I want to feature posts from people like YOU about normal, everyday people that make a lasting difference in this world. If you would like to write something for the Everyday Heroes series, leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail and I'll let you know what to do! And you don't need to be a blogger or a writer of any kind! You just need to have a hero that you want people to know about!
We all know people that seem to go above and beyond their calling in life. Doctors that not only help cure, but help restore souls. Teachers that not only teach curriculum, but share life with their students. Neighbors who not only greet you with a smile, but look after you when you need a helping hand.

These people shine in a way that encourages every person around them. They make you feel as if their only calling in life is to make your life better. It's these people that are truly Everyday Heroes.

That is why I want to write to you today about a person who I believe does this. She encourages everyone around her. She shines brighter than the sun. She's one of the greatest people I know - though I might be a little biased.

She's my wife.

This is the part where you say, "Aww."


No Goal Left Behind

I recently hit 50 posts here on Life Before the Bucket. Unfortunately, there wasn't a processional, or even close to as much of a ruse as the Royal Wedding or when that Osama guy was killed. Maybe at 100...?

Last night was an interesting night for me. First of all, it was probably the least productive night of my life. I finally had nothing to do. Unfortunately, either my friends weren't in the same boat or were doing something that involved the use of oxygen - not one of my specialties. Thankfully I'm married, which is supposed to be some sort of lifetime contract that obliges my wife to entertain me when no one else will.

Yes, that would've been an appropriate place for the sarcasm font. Can someone get on inventing that? I'll pay you (note the necessity for such a font here as well).

So while my wife was out, forsaking her marital entertainment duties, I was sitting at home, as sedentary as a pile of cow dung. However, this is part of the reason that I created a few goals for 2011 that involved exactly that - not being cow dung, mind you. Rather, I have a few goals that are purely for fun, entertainment, and nights when no one realizes that I'm cooped up in my overpriced apartment with nothing to do.

And you thought I was going to put a picture of cow dung on here...

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