Showing posts with label Rethinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rethinking. Show all posts


Imagine With Me

Yesterday, in one of my classes, a person brought up what he imagined that the world would look like if God didn't exist. What he went on to describe was horrifying, but it made me think.

This is a tough thing to imagine one way or the other.

If you're convinced that God exists, you presume that this world exists because he does. We act the way we do because he created us so. His existence seems obvious for a number of reasons, even if others can't see it.

Meanwhile, if you're convinced that God doesn't exist, you presume that this world exists as a result of purely natural causes. We act the way we do because we're fashioned by nature to do so. God's existence is a question answered obviously by the world we live in, even if others can't see it.

So today, I'd like you to imagine with me. Let's imagine together, a world that doesn't exist (at least in our minds).

For those who believe in God, imagine a world without him. What does it look like? Do we exist? How do we operate? What meaning is there in living?

For those who do not believe in God, imagine a world with him. What does it look like? Do we exist? How do we operate? What meaning is there in living?

This is an exercise that requires a lot of thought, but it's worthwhile and I think can move the "conversation" about God along further than any of our proofs or reasonings ever could. Please try to think outside of what your belief system requires you to say in response to a question. Instead, reflect on what you honestly, truly believe would be true, not what you've been told would be true.

So let's hear it! What would this imagined world look like in your mind?

... ... ...

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photo credit: elogo1 -


I'm Alive, I Swear

This will most definitely be the most random and unedited post I've ever written. Just warning you!

I'm still alive.

I'm rethinking how I'm posting on weekends. And I haven't had much time to think this week, so that has translated to some slooow thinking.

Also, I've been working on making a website for my father-in-law's business!

Think he'll pay me?

Really, that's all I've got. Just wanted to drop in and let you know I haven't forgotten about you! I promise I'll really post tomorrow!

P.S. Here's a screenshot of the site. Let me know what you think of the design (content is just temporary - will be filled with real information sooner or later).

P.P.S. - I'm sorry this post looks so sloppy. Though I'm sure it bothers me more than it bothers you.
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