Showing posts with label The Beard List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Beard List. Show all posts


Three Birds, One Stone

Disclaimer: I originally wrote this up on Easter, hence the Easter references. Enjoy!

Happy Easter! If ever there were a day to "start over" in life, it's today. After all, that Jesus guy up and walked his dead self out of his grave some 2000 years ago - a pretty big deal if you ask me. 

See that little quip up there? It's actually relevant today. Or it's supposed to be, anyway. We'll see if it is or not by the end of this post.

So today is Easter. I contemplated posting some tangential nonsense what Easter is actually about. However, I have a feeling that you'll be hearing plenty about that in the next 24 hours or so. Let me give you a little hint, though: it has nothing to do with those bright, colorful, delicious little chicks made out of sugar. You know what I'm talkin' about...

So instead of talking about the real meaning of Easter (Peeps, obviously), I'm going to talk about something mostly unrelated. I hope you'll forgive me. To make it up to you, I'd like to introduce you to something that I rather enjoy. This "something" is a list I've been (unofficially) keeping for about a year now. Let me just give you the list and see if you know what it's about...
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