Showing posts with label Time Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time Travel. Show all posts


My 111 in 2011: Falling Short

If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you may have noticed a trend. I have this really bad habit of going on what I have officially deemed "blog spurts." And they're just what they sound like. I get in the mood to blog and come up with 70 ridiculous ideas in a row to blog about. And then... nothing.

So, for the last 9 days I've been wanting to blog, but my fingers haven't let me. I'm not really sure what that means, except that I haven't been motivated in the least bit to blog. I'm pretty sure I know why, though. I knew that this post I'm currently composing would have to come eventually. I've just been avoiding it at all costs.

I know I tend to be pretty light-hearted when I write here, and that's purposeful. I believe we take life entirely too seriously. However, there are definitely times in life where reflection is good. This is one of them. Sort of...
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