Showing posts with label Werewolfs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Werewolfs. Show all posts


I'm Not a Werewolf

For those who might be wondering: my health has been doing a lot better as of late!

Something funny happened a couple of weeks ago.

I was lying in bed with my smokin' hot, beautiful wife, enjoying her company, and probably falling asleep while she was talking to me (because that's what all great husbands do, naturally). I couldn't tell you what we were talking about, but it was probably something to do with the fact that we think Hell may have taken up residence in Wichita with this ridiculous heat we've been having.

So, in the middle of our hypothetical Hell conversation, my wife stops, looks at me, and says something so out of the blue that I wouldn't have seen it coming if I had been married to her for a million years:

"You know, I think you've gotten hairier since we've gotten married."

As the words left her mouth, I began formulating all sorts of weird excuses - the first of which was "I'm not a werewolf, I swear." Ultimately, though, I won't ever win that argument, no matter how much I protest. She's my wife - she tends to notice these things. I, on the other hand, am oblivious to myself, because I spend every waking (and sleeping) moment with me.

So, if in the near future I stop posting and suddenly disappear for weeks at a time, only to be found in the woods, disheveled and stinky, you know what's happened to me. Hopefully, though, I'll just remain my typical disheveled, stinky self and my wife will like me anyway.

That poor girl.

Has anyone ever pointed out something about you that you've never noticed before? Are there quirky things that have changed about your spouse since you've gotten married?

I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else!). Just drop me a comment or shoot me an e-mail! And while you're at it, share this post with your friends!

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