
7 of 111: Goal 90

It's a beautiful Friday morning.

(The imperative word here is Friday, in case you missed it.)

Actually, I like most mornings. I'm not really sure that I'm a morning person, because my wife has an abnormal fear of waking me in the morning. But, regardless of her (most likely justified) paranoia, I enjoy my mornings.

Okay, I lied. Just a little.

When I say "I enjoy my mornings," what I'm really saying is double-speak. It's something more like...

"I enjoy a little time by myself, which only seems to happen early on in the day. And I REALLY like coffee and waking up is a great excuse to enjoy it."

Don't tell my mom, but when I was a kid, I hated coffee. Everything about it disgusted me. The smell, the look, the taste, the way it made your breath stank (and no, that's not a typo). It grossed me out, and I swore on some meaningless moniker that I would never drink coffee.

Boy, was I wrong. And my deepest apologies to whoever I swore on, as well. Hopefully they don't haunt me in my old age as I continue to enjoy my coffee, even when I can't remember my own name, let alone theirs.

I was so wrong, in fact, that I made it a goal this year to drink 5 cups of coffee in one day. Now, mind you, I know people who drink whole pots of coffee like their lives depend on it. I, however, cannot do that. My stomach does not expand to the size of a small cow on command, so I am content to have two cups of coffee every morning. 

Okay, maybe 3. 

Sometimes even 4. 

But 5? 

Nah. Don't even go there...

Fortunately for me, my in-laws love to support my addiction. My mother-in-law insists that she has a coffeepot in their house so that she can make me coffee once a year, even though everybody in their house detests the thought of drinking it. Their level of supportiveness increased about tenfold this year, though. And this is the reason why:

Ah.... My beloved Keurig.

Mhmm... Let's just bask in its glory for a few moments.


Okay, I'm over it. Well, not really. But I'm sure you are, and for your sake, I'll move on.

This beautiful machine was my Christmas present from my in-laws. More specifically, it was picked out by my father-in-law, who never sleeps and makes a hobby of perusing the Home Shopping Network for good deals. This was the result of his vigilant search for the perfect Christmas present. I'd say he did alright. 

Meanwhile, back on planet This-Post-Has-A-Purpose...

Suffice it to say that my Keurig coffeemaker is fantastic. It makes coffee, tea, hot chocolate, apple cider, and anything else that they can shove into a little pod called a K-Cup and sell to you for outlandish amounts of money. It also makes coffee from normal, cheap, coffee, so it works for me.

Basically, this thing brews coffee like a Lamborghini. It's fast. Very, very fast. I haven't timed it, but I'm betting it takes about 30 seconds to brew a normal cup of coffee. it's brilliant, especially when the only prep work you have to do is insert an oddly-shaped cup into the machine and watch it do all of the actual work.

Because of the speed and ease of making coffee with my Keurig, 5 cups of coffee in one day suddenly became very realistic. It became even more realistic when MCC decided to cancel school on my birthday. I figured there couldn't be a better day to enjoy five cups of coffee, especially since I had woken up early expecting to go to school! 

The results of this experiment/goal? I was wide awake. All day. And alllllllll night. My mind raced for the first five hours I was in bed that night, probably because I drank one of the cups later on that evening. Big mistake. Noted.

But, regardless of any ill-effects it might've had, this was by far one of my favorite goals to accomplish so far this year. And who knows... maybe I'll make it 10 cups in a day next year!

Or maybe not.

Other (possibly un)related posts by people that aren't me:


Brenda said...

Son, far be it from me to know that you did not like the smell of coffee when you were a kid! But all has turned out well!

Alicia said...

Your posts always crack me up! Love it. :)

What great in-laws you have! After reading your posts, I think I need a Keurig since I'm the only one in this house that drinks coffee. Single serving cups in 30 seconds-sounds like a win-win to me!

Adrian W. said...

It really is! If you love coffee, you'll love having a Keurig! =) You just press a button and it goes!

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