Since the day that I launched this blog from Taiwan, I've wondered one thing: would I regret making this blog "themed?" After all, doesn't that limit creativity and keep me from posting about a lot of things that I would otherwise be glad to talk about?
About eight months later, I'm about 97.565% sure that I don't regret the decision. And I'm sure you're curious as to why - and trust me, you are - so I'm going to share.
Having a blog that is "themed" is tricky. However, without a theme, and therefore, a purpose, this blog only becomes about one thing: me. So, by not choosing a theme, I automatically would be choosing the default them of, well, me (for lack of a better term; see how this could get old quickly?).
This was never and will never be the purpose of my writings and ramblings. I might do this for myself to a point, but I don't want it to simply be about me. I want to encourage you. I want to inspire you. I want to make you laugh and help YOU to enjoy life a little more fully, even if just for a few seconds every few days.
Having a themed blog has actually forced me to become more creative, not less. Writing about my life goals has truly helped me to find more direction and purpose as I live. It has helped to keep me accountable. However, there are days when I want to post about subjects that don't involve me cliff-diving (it
will happen) or flying an airplane (it will
definitely happen). This is where the creativity comes in.
this post for instance. It was about giving to a great cause: The Adventure Project. However, giving to them wasn't on my Bucket List anywhere, and my 111 in 2011 didn't exist yet, because, well, it wasn't 2011. But I made it "fit" because it matters to me. And frankly, it's my blog, so I can bend the rules a little if I need to.
I'm saying all of this to eventually get to the point of this post. And I promise we are about to arrive. Just stick with me and my unnecessarily circular tangents for a few more moments...