I need your help!
Here's the deal: I received an e-mail yesterday telling me that I'm a finalist in a blog contest. Oddly enough, the contest is through a pharmacy that I receive one of my medications through. Guess there are a couple of perks to being chronically ill!
Unfortunately, I can't vote for myself 24/7 to rig this competition. This is where you come in!
I'm only one vote in the lead right now - the competition has been stiff throughout. Without you, I might lose!
A few simple steps to guide you through this process:
Step #1 - Visit Foundation Care's blog post about the contest. (In other words, click that link!)
Step #2 - Comment on the post saying that you vote for Entry #1 - it's mine!
Step #3 - Give yourself a pat on the back for a good deed done well!
Just as a teaser: my entry includes a quote from Yoda. It's that awesome.
So what are you waiting for?! Get over there and vote!
Thanks in advance for being awesome!