Dear Sweet-Baby-Blog and All-Who-(Used-to)-Read-It:
It has come to my attention in my steroid-induced hypomania (a slight exaggeration, to be sure) that I have abandoned you once again.
Yes, yes, yes. I know, we've had this conversation several times before. You're surely as sick of it as I am, and I'm going to have this conversation with you regardless.
There's this pesky nuisance of a thing coming between you and me. This troublesome, life-changing, transformative journey known as graduate school.
I want you to know that I still care for you and think of you often. There are days I long to be with you - to write freely, to read freely, to leave annoyingly upbeat comments without a care in the world. Unfortunately, this isn't the time in my life for that.
For now, this is a time in my life when writing is taking a backseat. This isn't to say that I'm kicking it out of the car. I have so much I want to share about, so much to ponder. But this is a time when those thoughts, hopes, and desires take a backseat - just for a little bit.
If you must know, graduate school is going well. I no longer work at a homeless shelter and I am only working part-time at our school's counseling center. I am hoping to start to work with kids at a school soon, because Jesus knows I love kids and haven't worked with a single one. Cruel and unusual punishment, if you ask me.
You must also know that I will return. This is not that day, though, and that day may not come for another eight months and twenty-nine days. Not that I'm counting.
But that day will come. You must know that. Leave me if you wish, sweet-baby-blog and all-who-read-it. But I will return soon, and I hope you will as well.
With the highest regard and the deepest affection,
Your friend,
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Win of the Week
It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...!
(You know you've missed that song.)
Terrible songs aside, we've made it, my friends. It's the end of the week, and we can all let out a collective sigh of relief. Let's do it together, shall we? Ready? 1... 2... 3!
Yeah, that feels better.
And now it's time to party! Why? Because we've made it through another week. We've survived the ups and downs of life once more, and we could really use a moment to rest.
That, my friends, is why we gather today to celebrate our Win of the Week!
In case you're unfamiliar with this post, it happens every week. We've all been through some highs and lows, but we really want to focus on the highs today, no matter how high or low they are. So we celebrate together, shamelessly sharing the highlight of our week, also known as our Win of the Week.
And because we're party animals, we don't just celebrate one win, we celebrate two! We distinguish between our "real" lives and our "digital" lives, because sometimes, we forget that they're separate and we need that reminder. So two it is!
Personally my real-life Win of the Week would have to be my workout on Tuesday. I'm in the middle of a running schedule I found that is perfectly suited for someone like me. The first week was all walking. The second week introduced a little jogging.
I was absolutely terrified of running. I haven't been able to run at all since early college or high school - my lungs haven't quite been up to it. However, I didn't let that fear stop me from trying...
And I nailed it!
I ran for a minute straight, followed by 3 minutes of walking. And then did it 4 more times! It felt incredible. And I know it seems like a very, very small step, but for me, the mental hurdle of running has been huge. It was an incredible release knowing I could do it. So I did it again on Thursday!
It was amazing.
Meanwhile, my virtual Win of the Week occurred yesterday. Recently, I've hit a wall in blogging. I get about the same number of pageviews/visits every day, regardless of what I post.
Yesterday, though, destroyed that rut. Obliterated it.
More than anything, I desired exposure for PCD, because the more people are aware of it, the more can be done for those of us with it. And it was huge! I had quadruple the pageviews of a typical day (which still isn't a lot - don't get me wrong). And I appreciated each and every hit I received - I imagined every single one of those as a person learning about PCD for the first time, and it felt incredible!
So there you have it! Those are my Wins of the Week!
... ... ...
What about you? What has been the highlight of your week? Anything exciting going on with your blog/website? Feel free to shamelessly share a link or two in the comments section, along with your other Wins of the Week!
Win of the Week
Whew... We made it.
Let's take a collective sigh of relief, my friends... because it's Friday!
No matter how high your highs or how low your lows, you survived. You've cleared the hurdles and you've completed the course. Congratulations!
Around here, we like to throw a party, blog style. Because it's Friday and because we're always looking to encourage one another, it's time to share our Win of the Week!
Now, as before, we are each going to share two Wins of the Week so that we can get double the pats on the back. Share one "real life" Win of the Week and one "virtual life" win of the week.
For example, if I had won a million dollars this week, that might be my "real life" win of the week. Meanwhile, my "virtual" Win of the Week would be something like hitting 10,000 pageviews overall. Of course, if you don't have a blog or a virtual Win, you can most certainly still participate! But if you do, this is your time to shamelessly share yourself. Plug away, my friends!
Personally, my real life Win of the Week would have to be working out every day so far this week. I've been taking part in the most recent 6 Week Challenge over at Nerd Fitness (run by the awesome Steve Kamb). My workouts have been walking (aerobic) and body weight circuits (strength). This is very important to me, as it will help keep my lungs in tip-top shape, allowing for the fullest, longest life for me possible.
My virtual Win of the Week has to be my successful reentry into the blogosphere. After being gone for so long, it's difficult to find a rhythm again, but I think I've got this figured out. Of course, I start school next week, so that could really throw a wrench in my plans, but that's for then. For now, I'm stoked to be back!
So there you have it! Those are my Wins of the Week!
What about you? What has been your "real life" Win of the Week? What has been your "virtual" Win of the Week? This is your chance to shamelessly share yourself!
P.S. - I've been thinking for a long while about making my Win of the Week post a link-up, where those of you with blogs could participate by posting about your Win of the Week alongside me. Those without blogs could still comment, but this would really help to share the love with more people.
Would you be interested in this? Please let me know in the comments section!
Let's take a collective sigh of relief, my friends... because it's Friday!
No matter how high your highs or how low your lows, you survived. You've cleared the hurdles and you've completed the course. Congratulations!
Around here, we like to throw a party, blog style. Because it's Friday and because we're always looking to encourage one another, it's time to share our Win of the Week!
Now, as before, we are each going to share two Wins of the Week so that we can get double the pats on the back. Share one "real life" Win of the Week and one "virtual life" win of the week.
For example, if I had won a million dollars this week, that might be my "real life" win of the week. Meanwhile, my "virtual" Win of the Week would be something like hitting 10,000 pageviews overall. Of course, if you don't have a blog or a virtual Win, you can most certainly still participate! But if you do, this is your time to shamelessly share yourself. Plug away, my friends!
Personally, my real life Win of the Week would have to be working out every day so far this week. I've been taking part in the most recent 6 Week Challenge over at Nerd Fitness (run by the awesome Steve Kamb). My workouts have been walking (aerobic) and body weight circuits (strength). This is very important to me, as it will help keep my lungs in tip-top shape, allowing for the fullest, longest life for me possible.
My virtual Win of the Week has to be my successful reentry into the blogosphere. After being gone for so long, it's difficult to find a rhythm again, but I think I've got this figured out. Of course, I start school next week, so that could really throw a wrench in my plans, but that's for then. For now, I'm stoked to be back!
So there you have it! Those are my Wins of the Week!
What about you? What has been your "real life" Win of the Week? What has been your "virtual" Win of the Week? This is your chance to shamelessly share yourself!
P.S. - I've been thinking for a long while about making my Win of the Week post a link-up, where those of you with blogs could participate by posting about your Win of the Week alongside me. Those without blogs could still comment, but this would really help to share the love with more people.
Would you be interested in this? Please let me know in the comments section!
As many of you may know, I've been away from the internet for quite some time. I finally broke my vow of blogging silence last Friday with some closing words on the Chick-Fil-A fiasco.
If ever one word could sum up the last three months we've been moving in (yes, it's been another month since then), it would have to be "renovation." We have hammered, pulled, painted, screwed, unscrewed, and bolted just about every square foot of our new home. And we're not even new homeowners - we just really like our landlords and want to help them out.
At this point, our house isn't completely renovated, either. There's still a few months left of work, at least. But we're living here, and that's all that matters to us. After 2 unexpected months of bumming a basement off of your mom, you'll take what you can get.
Really, though, I had time to blog while we lived at my mom's house. But I didn't. Again, the real story is a bit messier than the short of it all. As you may remember, we took a month-long fast from media. Our fast led to my initial withdrawal from the internet in general.
The crazy thing is, when we withdrew, God gave us a new perspective. It certainly helped me, as a blogger, to put things in their proper places. I realized, among other things, that blogging, in the grand scheme of things, isn't all it's talked up to be.
Now before you proceed, please realize these words won't be popular. After all, I'm writing them on a blog, of all things. But they're words that need to be said, even if no one else is willing to publicly say them.
You see, most people I talk with view blogging as a stepping stone to something "bigger." If only you can reach the "magic" number of page views every day, you'll "make it." If only you could carve out your own untouchable niche in the vast world wide web, you'll be "famous." All it takes is one "big break," and you're "set" for life. You'll be able to "make a difference." You'll have your "dream job."
In reality, all the hype amounts to something that isn't much of anything.
You see, if you're lucky as a blogger, you'll be able to do some cool reviews, get a few sweet perks, and if you're really "up there," you'll get published. And that, people, is the crown and glory of the blogging world. You just might, after all your time, hard work, and investment, get to write a book or two which could "change some lives."
And while this pursuit is noble, even becoming a well-respected, renowned author isn't all it's cut out to be. A book may live on beyond your time, but it won't last forever.
This, my friends, is the renovation God has been doing in my heart. It's ugly. It's bare. It's hardly even functional. And frankly, it's not a renovation which will be popular with anyone in the blogosphere.
But the renovation on our house has been good visual reminder for me. It has shown me no matter how far you strip something down, you can always make it better. It can always be rebuilt.
So maybe someday I'll write a book. Or "make it" as a blogger.
But until then, I'm remembering I'm meant for something even more than authorship. I'm meant for more than my own crown and glory (no matter how noble it seems to myself or others). I'm not alive to make a difference in a few lives, or even in the world. I'm not even here to be a great leader. I'm here to bring about the everlasting, eternal Kingdom of God which Christ has led, is leading, and will lead forever. I'm here to follow, not to lead. I'm here to proclaim his words, his thoughts, his heart - not my own. Not for me, not for my well-being, not for my future.
This renovation has been painful, brutal, and downright destructive. There's nothing pretty, catchy, or popular about it.
But I'm starting to see, as the rubble is swept away, a glimmer of something beautiful, something which will outshine this life into eternity.
... ... ...
What renovation has been taking place in your own life? I'd love to hear about it in the comments section.
There are a few reasons I stepped away from blogging as long as I did.
First of all, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, our lives were absolutely insane. Incidentally, I compared myself to a chicken - a clear foreshadowing of the terrible things to come these past few weeks.
We were in the middle of the Longest Move in the History of Ever (so long, in fact, it deserves proper noun status). The short story is after two months, the move was complete. But, as always in life, there's a longer, messier, more painful story behind it all.
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The blood and guts of our new rental home |
At this point, our house isn't completely renovated, either. There's still a few months left of work, at least. But we're living here, and that's all that matters to us. After 2 unexpected months of bumming a basement off of your mom, you'll take what you can get.
Really, though, I had time to blog while we lived at my mom's house. But I didn't. Again, the real story is a bit messier than the short of it all. As you may remember, we took a month-long fast from media. Our fast led to my initial withdrawal from the internet in general.
The crazy thing is, when we withdrew, God gave us a new perspective. It certainly helped me, as a blogger, to put things in their proper places. I realized, among other things, that blogging, in the grand scheme of things, isn't all it's talked up to be.
Now before you proceed, please realize these words won't be popular. After all, I'm writing them on a blog, of all things. But they're words that need to be said, even if no one else is willing to publicly say them.
You see, most people I talk with view blogging as a stepping stone to something "bigger." If only you can reach the "magic" number of page views every day, you'll "make it." If only you could carve out your own untouchable niche in the vast world wide web, you'll be "famous." All it takes is one "big break," and you're "set" for life. You'll be able to "make a difference." You'll have your "dream job."
In reality, all the hype amounts to something that isn't much of anything.
Blogging, in its purest form, is writing. It's voicing thoughts, opinions, stories, reflection, and all sorts of other information. It's a medium, at best. And it's a medium which is a stepping stone to... you guessed it, another medium.
You see, if you're lucky as a blogger, you'll be able to do some cool reviews, get a few sweet perks, and if you're really "up there," you'll get published. And that, people, is the crown and glory of the blogging world. You just might, after all your time, hard work, and investment, get to write a book or two which could "change some lives."
And while this pursuit is noble, even becoming a well-respected, renowned author isn't all it's cut out to be. A book may live on beyond your time, but it won't last forever.
This, my friends, is the renovation God has been doing in my heart. It's ugly. It's bare. It's hardly even functional. And frankly, it's not a renovation which will be popular with anyone in the blogosphere.
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The beginnings of something new - the reward of renovation |
So maybe someday I'll write a book. Or "make it" as a blogger.
But until then, I'm remembering I'm meant for something even more than authorship. I'm meant for more than my own crown and glory (no matter how noble it seems to myself or others). I'm not alive to make a difference in a few lives, or even in the world. I'm not even here to be a great leader. I'm here to bring about the everlasting, eternal Kingdom of God which Christ has led, is leading, and will lead forever. I'm here to follow, not to lead. I'm here to proclaim his words, his thoughts, his heart - not my own. Not for me, not for my well-being, not for my future.
This renovation has been painful, brutal, and downright destructive. There's nothing pretty, catchy, or popular about it.
But I'm starting to see, as the rubble is swept away, a glimmer of something beautiful, something which will outshine this life into eternity.
... ... ...
What renovation has been taking place in your own life? I'd love to hear about it in the comments section.
A Huge Favor

I need your help!
Here's the deal: I received an e-mail yesterday telling me that I'm a finalist in a blog contest. Oddly enough, the contest is through a pharmacy that I receive one of my medications through. Guess there are a couple of perks to being chronically ill!
Unfortunately, I can't vote for myself 24/7 to rig this competition. This is where you come in!
I'm only one vote in the lead right now - the competition has been stiff throughout. Without you, I might lose!
A few simple steps to guide you through this process:
Step #1 - Visit Foundation Care's blog post about the contest. (In other words, click that link!)
Step #2 - Comment on the post saying that you vote for Entry #1 - it's mine!
Step #3 - Give yourself a pat on the back for a good deed done well!
Just as a teaser: my entry includes a quote from Yoda. It's that awesome.
So what are you waiting for?! Get over there and vote!
Thanks in advance for being awesome!
Win of the Week
Do you ever wake up at the end of a week and think, "Man, this was a decent week!"? That's where I'm at today.
I wouldn't call this the most memorable week of 2012 so far, but it was definitely a positive experience.
And since today is Friday, it's time to ceeeelebraaate good times, come on!
(Okay, got that out of my system - sorry about that.)
But seriously. It's Friday. And around here, that means sharing our Win of the Week!
I think, as a result of watching this TED Talk (H/T to Richard Beck), I'm going to start distinguishing between my Win of the Week for my real life and my cyber life (namely, blogging). This may or may not last, so if you don't like it, don't worry. It'll probably change soon.
Also, something I'm considering: making the Win of the Week a link-up post, so others can flesh out their wins, link-up here, and we can party like it's 1999! What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts in the form of a comment!
So, my Win of the Week in real life has got to be... finding a French Press Coffee Maker
at a garage sale that our church is putting on! This seems rather lame, but considering it is on my Bucket List, I think it's pretty fantastic. Plus, I made some awesome coffee with it this morning!
My virtual Win of the Week has got to be posting consistently this week. Since I had great content to use (thanks to Luke Reynolds and Aly Lewis!), you guys consistently visited the blog, making it one of the best weeks (statistically speaking) to date, even if none of the posts were record-breaking.
Also, my Win of the Week, Part B has got to be finding this image. I found it last night, and I still think it's funny this morning:
You can't possibly read that without at least smiling (H/T to Steve Kamb). Seriously, it's physically impossible.
That's all I've got, so that means it's your turn!
What was your Win of the Week in real life? What was your virtual/blogging Win of the Week? Feel free to shamelessly share your own content!
Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase anything through the link, I will receive monetary compensation for your purchase.

And since today is Friday, it's time to ceeeelebraaate good times, come on!
(Okay, got that out of my system - sorry about that.)
But seriously. It's Friday. And around here, that means sharing our Win of the Week!
I think, as a result of watching this TED Talk (H/T to Richard Beck), I'm going to start distinguishing between my Win of the Week for my real life and my cyber life (namely, blogging). This may or may not last, so if you don't like it, don't worry. It'll probably change soon.
Also, something I'm considering: making the Win of the Week a link-up post, so others can flesh out their wins, link-up here, and we can party like it's 1999! What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts in the form of a comment!
So, my Win of the Week in real life has got to be... finding a French Press Coffee Maker
My virtual Win of the Week has got to be posting consistently this week. Since I had great content to use (thanks to Luke Reynolds and Aly Lewis!), you guys consistently visited the blog, making it one of the best weeks (statistically speaking) to date, even if none of the posts were record-breaking.
Also, my Win of the Week, Part B has got to be finding this image. I found it last night, and I still think it's funny this morning:
You can't possibly read that without at least smiling (H/T to Steve Kamb). Seriously, it's physically impossible.
That's all I've got, so that means it's your turn!
What was your Win of the Week in real life? What was your virtual/blogging Win of the Week? Feel free to shamelessly share your own content!
Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link. If you purchase anything through the link, I will receive monetary compensation for your purchase.
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em. If You Can't Join 'Em...
Confession time.
"Your blog looks like a great community,"
I have a problem.
I'm not sure what's caused it or why it happens, but it most certainly does plague me.
And admitting you have a problem is the first step, right? Who even decided that?
What? Oh, my confession? Here it is:
I struggle to fit in.
I'm not sure what it is.
Maybe it's my ears. When I was in elementary school, kids told me I had ears like Dumbo. And considering they were the same size then as they are now, they were probably right.
Or maybe... it's my hairy, sasquatch-like legs. The fact I can wear shorts in winter because, hey, it's like I'm wearing pants anyway, weirds some people out. Especially since they've been like this since the 6th grade.
Or it could be my diseases. After all, not everyone can say they do the Pledge of Allegiance backwards, or they have a tube in their head, or they get to use oxygen when they sleep.
Or... is it possible? Could it be...
My beard? Maybe its awesomeness alienates others...
Nah. Couldn't be. Moving right along, then.
So I'm not really sure what it is about me, but since I was a kid, I've struggled to fit in. I have always felt like I was on the outside looking in, and I've never truly been comfortable in that position.
When you're young, you often hear the phrase, "If you can't beat them, join them!" Well, what people never understood is I never wanted to beat them. I never even tried. Instead, I usually just skipped to the joining part, because it seemed like the nice thing to do. I've always been considerate in that way (and endearing, no?).
But the problem is, nobody has ever let me in the group. It's like there's a secret handshake and it's impossible to perfect. Or there's a password at the doorway I just can't seem to crack. There's definitely something I'm missing.
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This is about how I've felt through college. |
This problem has plagued me from elementary school until today. Even in these past four years of college, I've done what I can to "fit in," only to quickly discover that the "in" thing to do these days is not fit in. Seriously, life is trying to stop me at all costs.
And I've even experienced this in blogging. Now, granted, it might just be because I'm a shoddy writer, but I'm told repeatedly by sources I trust (read: my wife) that I'm a gifted writer. And I enjoy writing quite a bit, so it's not like I'm a grump about it.
It's like, somehow, people from my "real" life have invaded my "virtual" life and whispered to everyone, "Don't let him in!" It's maddening, to tell you the truth.
But alas, life goes on. I still have to wake up, write, click the publish button, and hope someone decides to share in the mini-party going on here. Whether I'm "in" or not, I keep plugging away. And why? Well, let me tell you a little something (because I'm not one to keep secrets, like those kids from middle school):
It doesn't matter if you fit in. That should never be your goal.
And when I think others might think I'm crazy for what I'm writing, I look to the life of this one guy to see what it shows. You see, I think Jesus lived life exactly right, and I'd like to emulate him as best I can. So when I see that he, too, was excluded and rejected by peers, I'm comforted.
"But then what?" I think. "How did he cope with that? He was human after all," I wonder. And then the light bulb clicks.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. And if you can't join 'em, join someone else.
Duh, Adrian. Duh, duh, duh.
Jesus was rejected and despised by men, so instead, he joined God. Well-played, Jesus. I see how that worked out for you.
This dawned on me last week, as I was fighting a nasty urge to unsubscribe from every blogger ever and abandon all hope in this blogging world. (Sometimes, I have a flair for the dramatic.)
As I was having my mini-meltdown, I read something someone recently said:
"Your blog looks like a great community,"
and then the aforementioned light bulb clicked.
Duh, Adrian. Duh, duh, duh.
If I can't "fit in" to the communities of others with my big ears, hairy legs, weird diseases, and awesome beard, then maybe I should stop trying and start valuing the community I'm already in.
And if push comes to shove, I'd have to admit, I do greatly value each and every one of you who reads, comments, e-mails, and shares with me on a regular basis. I know what we have here isn't much, and it isn't even necessarily an "official" community.
But it is what it is. And the larger it grows, the closer I feel to you all. I'm not one to exclude others, because I sincerely believe goodness exists inside us all, and such goodness cannot be ignored. So I want this community to keep growing, shifting, shaping, changing. It may be painful at times, but it's worthwhile.
So consider this an elaborate "Thank You" to you, my fair reader. I don't care if this is the first post you've ever read at Life Before the Bucket, or even if this is the last post you ever read here. I genuinely care about you, your life, and helping you to live it to the fullest.
I hope you see this community as one which is open and welcoming to you, whoever you are, from wherever you reside, no matter what shape you're in. Because, hey, you can't be much weirder than me!
If you just happen to be stopping by for the first time, but you'd like to keep sharing in what goes on around here, check out the Updates page, and find a way to follow that works for you. And if you're feeling particularly risky today, consider leaving a comment. I like to think of comments as investments. You leave one because you expect to get something in return, and I can promise you'll get exactly that around here.
Thanks again for reading, whoever you are, wherever you are. You are important. You are loved. And you do "fit in" somewhere (at the very least, you'll fit in here!), because you are worthy of being cared about.
... ... ...
Questions: Have you ever struggled to fit in somewhere? Do you have any oddities which keep you from fitting in? How important is fitting in to you? Do you enjoy the community at Life Before the Bucket?
Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!
image credit - zumbari -
Win of the Week
It has been a nasty, downright sick week for me. I've been sick since Wednesday - I had some sort of reaction to a new medicine I'm taking. I'm still recovering and not feeling fully conscious two days later.
Even the worst sickness couldn't stop me from celebrating, though. After all, it's Friday! And around here (and most everywhere in the world that has a 5 day work week), Friday is a cause for celebration. No matter how rough (or how good) our week has been, we reflect. We think back. And then we share.
My friends, it's time for a nice, virtual pat on the back. This is your chance to share your Win of the Week!
Personally, it's difficult for me to pick out a particular win this week, especially with being sick and rather helpless for the last 48 hours. But that doesn't mean there wasn't a "good" part of this week!
My Win of the Week would have to be... Getting some new guest posts for our "Living to the Fullest" guest post series! I was worried for a second that the series was going to come to a screeching halt, but alas, you saved the day by stepping forward and contributing! Thanks SO much to those who continue to help make the series possible.
And if still want to help by contributing, but aren't sure what that entails, check our the original "Living to the Fullest" post for details. I would love to hear any ideas you have for a post! I'm just a quick e-mail away!
So, although it's been a pretty lame week, that's my Win of the Week!
What about you? What was your Win of the Week?
It has been a nasty, downright sick week for me. I've been sick since Wednesday - I had some sort of reaction to a new medicine I'm taking. I'm still recovering and not feeling fully conscious two days later.
Even the worst sickness couldn't stop me from celebrating, though. After all, it's Friday! And around here (and most everywhere in the world that has a 5 day work week), Friday is a cause for celebration. No matter how rough (or how good) our week has been, we reflect. We think back. And then we share.
My friends, it's time for a nice, virtual pat on the back. This is your chance to share your Win of the Week!
Personally, it's difficult for me to pick out a particular win this week, especially with being sick and rather helpless for the last 48 hours. But that doesn't mean there wasn't a "good" part of this week!
My Win of the Week would have to be... Getting some new guest posts for our "Living to the Fullest" guest post series! I was worried for a second that the series was going to come to a screeching halt, but alas, you saved the day by stepping forward and contributing! Thanks SO much to those who continue to help make the series possible.
And if still want to help by contributing, but aren't sure what that entails, check our the original "Living to the Fullest" post for details. I would love to hear any ideas you have for a post! I'm just a quick e-mail away!
So, although it's been a pretty lame week, that's my Win of the Week!
What about you? What was your Win of the Week?
Houston, We Have a Problem
Well, this is awkward...
My blog is, how do you say... broken.
Apparently whoever was hosting the image for the background to this design closed their account or moved the image. So far, I haven't been able to track down where I originally got my template from, so I'm left with these rather alarming black and white exclamation points and no background.
So if you're reading and see one of these exclamation points, don't worry. It's more painful for me than it is for you. And I pinky-promise it's not some kind of bug attacking your computer.
If any of you know a good blog-design site or person (for cheap - I don't make any money off of this blog), I'd definitely welcome your suggestions!
So, instead of reading an awesome post, you should consider writing one for Life Before the Bucket! I'm running pretty low on guest posts for our "Living to the Fullest" series, so if you've been thinking about submitting an idea for a post, now is the time to do it!
In the meantime, I'll be waiting to hear from you and working on finding a new blog template.
I hope you have a fantastic Thursday! Let me know how your day is going in the comments section!
My blog is, how do you say... broken.
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My least favorite thing in the world |
So if you're reading and see one of these exclamation points, don't worry. It's more painful for me than it is for you. And I pinky-promise it's not some kind of bug attacking your computer.
If any of you know a good blog-design site or person (for cheap - I don't make any money off of this blog), I'd definitely welcome your suggestions!
So, instead of reading an awesome post, you should consider writing one for Life Before the Bucket! I'm running pretty low on guest posts for our "Living to the Fullest" series, so if you've been thinking about submitting an idea for a post, now is the time to do it!
In the meantime, I'll be waiting to hear from you and working on finding a new blog template.
I hope you have a fantastic Thursday! Let me know how your day is going in the comments section!
Re-Introducing a Good Friend
We all have a good friend or two that we're proud to know.
Take, for instance, American Idol. This show features everyday people who want to make it big in the music industry. Last season featured two sixteen year olds as finalists. That's right. At the ripe, young age of 16, they were a step away from their dreams. I'm betting that they have more than a few friends willing to claim them.
And though we can't all have friends who could win American Idol, we do have friends that we take pride in. Because of these friends, our lives are a little easier. Because of these friends, our lives are a little less hectic. Because of these friends, life is a little more enjoyable.
You know the kind of friend I'm talking about.
Well, today I want to introduce you to a good friend of mine. This friend definitely makes my life easier. I can't imagine not knowing this friend. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that this friend is a life saver. And best of all, you can know this friend, too!
No, this isn't a cheesy "I'm going to introduce you to Jesus" ploy, though it's tempting.
The friend I want to introduce you today is...
Ha! Just kidding.
Now for real. The friend I want to introduce you to is...
The Google "Next" button!
Okay, yeah, a little lame. I know, I know.
The Google Reader "Next" button has been a life-saver for me since I began reading blogs. At first, I just had a huge folder of links that I browsed everyday. Eventually, though, I got tired of clicking through all of the links, especially for people who don't update very often, and I just stopped reading blogs altogether. However, I didn't quite feel right about that, seeing as how I had a blog of my own. And then my wife introduced me to this wonderful little button.
Basically, what the button does is it scans through the blogs you've subscribed to and finds content you haven't read. You click the button and voila! You get taken to the most recently updated blog on your list.
To use the Google Reader Next button, you need to have a Google Reader account. You can set that up here. From there, you need to subscribe to the blogs you like to read. Google Reader keeps track of your blogs through an RSS Feed, which is a really fancy term that scared me spitless for a long time. RSS Feeds are represented by a magical little orange icon.
Once you've setup your Google Reader account, you need to subscribe to the blogs you read. You do this by visiting the blog, and finding that magical orange button. You'll click that button (give it a try for Life Before the Bucket!) and then, if you're logged in, will choose to "Add This to Google Reader" or something along those lines. Do this for all of the blogs you love, including Life Before the Bucket!
If you can't find the RSS button (or are scared to press it), there's another way to add blogs to your reader. You simply copy the main URL of the blog (i.e., and then go to Google Reader. From there, in the top-left corner, there's a "Subscribe" button. Press it, and there'll be a spot to paste the URL in. Easy-peasy!
After you've subscribed to your blogs (this might take a while, depending on how many you follow), go to this link. After you go there, click on "Goodies." Scroll down to the header that says "Put Reader in a bookmark." There you'll find instructions on how to add and use the Google Reader Next button!
That wasn't so painful, now was it?
So now that you know him, enjoy your new friend. You'll never want to leave home without him. And now you have no excuse to miss an update here at Life Before the Bucket!
See what I did there?
Just kidding. I really did it to help you, not me.
Okay, you got me. Maybe I did it a little for me. But only a little!
... ... ...
Question: Do you have a friend you can't live without?
Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading
This was a repost from May 2011.
On Being (C)overt
Something came up yesterday that really struck me in a way I didn't like.
I tried to shake it. I tried to ignore it. I tried to set it on fire and throw it out the window. It just. wouldn't. go. away.
The worst part was that it was about myself.
If you've been around Life Before the Bucket for any amount of time, you might have noticed that my writing covers a pretty broad range of topics. I enjoy talking about my wife, my marriage, school, God, Christianity, living with chronic illness, adoption, my pet peeves (like captchas and typos), any many, many other things.
Frankly, I love writing about life.
Yesterday, though, I realized something about my writing that I'm not so sure about.
I make no bones about the fact that I'm a Christian. I strive to follow Jesus in his example of love for God and for others, and that belief informs everything I do. My writing is no exception. My beliefs can and do bleed into my words.
Here's the thing, though. When I write, I'm always thinking in some way or another about Scripture. So, for the most part, my writing is inspired by words I've read in the Bible during my short life as a follower of Jesus. However, I'm not writing a blog specifically about the Bible (except to say that I suck at reading it), so I rarely mention in an overt fashion.
What I do want to make clear, though, is that I believe, like one of our professors says, that "All truth is God's truth." So when I write, I hope that my words communicate that truth clearly without beating you over your proverbial (or literal) head with Bible verses.
Is this okay? I'm not sure.
Would you prefer a more overt approach to Scripture from me? Or do you enjoy this more subtle style that I've chosen to employ thus far in my writing journey?
I think I know where I stand with this, but I wanted to hear from you, whoever you are, to gauge your thoughts.
What you think about this is important and means a lot to me. If you could take a moment to leave a comment with your thoughts, I would be greatly appreciative.
If you enjoy what you've read, I'd also appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing this post with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!
I tried to shake it. I tried to ignore it. I tried to set it on fire and throw it out the window. It just. wouldn't. go. away.
The worst part was that it was about myself.
If you've been around Life Before the Bucket for any amount of time, you might have noticed that my writing covers a pretty broad range of topics. I enjoy talking about my wife, my marriage, school, God, Christianity, living with chronic illness, adoption, my pet peeves (like captchas and typos), any many, many other things.
Frankly, I love writing about life.
Yesterday, though, I realized something about my writing that I'm not so sure about.
I make no bones about the fact that I'm a Christian. I strive to follow Jesus in his example of love for God and for others, and that belief informs everything I do. My writing is no exception. My beliefs can and do bleed into my words.
Here's the thing, though. When I write, I'm always thinking in some way or another about Scripture. So, for the most part, my writing is inspired by words I've read in the Bible during my short life as a follower of Jesus. However, I'm not writing a blog specifically about the Bible (except to say that I suck at reading it), so I rarely mention in an overt fashion.
What I do want to make clear, though, is that I believe, like one of our professors says, that "All truth is God's truth." So when I write, I hope that my words communicate that truth clearly without beating you over your proverbial (or literal) head with Bible verses.
Is this okay? I'm not sure.
Would you prefer a more overt approach to Scripture from me? Or do you enjoy this more subtle style that I've chosen to employ thus far in my writing journey?
I think I know where I stand with this, but I wanted to hear from you, whoever you are, to gauge your thoughts.
What you think about this is important and means a lot to me. If you could take a moment to leave a comment with your thoughts, I would be greatly appreciative.
If you enjoy what you've read, I'd also appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing this post with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!
Just Do It
This past month has been insane.
I mean, sure, there was that whole Christmas thing. And then New Year's. And finishing last semester. And starting this semester.
Minor details.
No, what I'm talking about doesn't concern school or holidays. What I'm talking about is life.
Over the last month or so, I've set some pretty lofty goals for myself:
Gain 30 pounds.
Stop drinking soda.
Spend less than five minutes a day on Facebook.
And the list goes on.
And as I've pursued these things, I've been doing a lot of reading. A lot of reading. On weight gaining. On blogging. On spirituality and what it means to accept the Bible for what it is and not what I want it to be. On photography. On living my life to the fullest. And so, so much more.
And you know what I've found that's helped me? Frankly, very little.
You see, as I'm working toward truly living life every moment of every day (as opposed to simply existing and letting life happen to me), I'm learning. I'm learning what works for me.
The thing is, I read a thing here and there about what to do for this and that. But ultimately, it comes down to me actually living and finding out what works for me - not just what I think sounds good to me.
Sure, I love reading. It's great for learning and great for leisure. And I love learning and enjoying myself. But learning and leisureliness do not equate with living.
In this last month, I've learned that in order to find what works for me, I actually have to take the risk of failing in order to discover success. And I think this is something that could be said for you as well.
Want to be a big-time blogger? You don't have to post 5 times a week, or even once a week. There's no magic formula. Find what works for you and do it.
Want to live a healthier lifestyle? You don't have to exercise 4 hours a day. You don't have to be a vegan. You do have to find what works for you and do it.
Want to write a book? You don't have to wake up at 5 AM everyday or stay up until 3 AM every night. If it's not your thing, don't do it. Find what works for you and... yup, you guessed it: do it.
I know I sound like a Nike commercial right now, but it doesn't get much simpler than that. If you're looking to live a richer, more fulfilling life right now, then stop reading, stop seeking the "right way." Figure out what it means for you to live a fulfilled life and just do it.
... ... ...
Questions: What is holding you back from achieving your goals? Why do you fear the risk of failure? How will you live a more fulfilled life in your own personal way today?
Don't forget to subscribe to Life Before the Bucket! If you enjoyed this post, please use the fancy schmancy buttons and links to share this post with your friends!
I mean, sure, there was that whole Christmas thing. And then New Year's. And finishing last semester. And starting this semester.
Minor details.
No, what I'm talking about doesn't concern school or holidays. What I'm talking about is life.
Over the last month or so, I've set some pretty lofty goals for myself:
Gain 30 pounds.
Stop drinking soda.
Spend less than five minutes a day on Facebook.
And the list goes on.
And as I've pursued these things, I've been doing a lot of reading. A lot of reading. On weight gaining. On blogging. On spirituality and what it means to accept the Bible for what it is and not what I want it to be. On photography. On living my life to the fullest. And so, so much more.
And you know what I've found that's helped me? Frankly, very little.
You see, as I'm working toward truly living life every moment of every day (as opposed to simply existing and letting life happen to me), I'm learning. I'm learning what works for me.
The thing is, I read a thing here and there about what to do for this and that. But ultimately, it comes down to me actually living and finding out what works for me - not just what I think sounds good to me.
Sure, I love reading. It's great for learning and great for leisure. And I love learning and enjoying myself. But learning and leisureliness do not equate with living.
In this last month, I've learned that in order to find what works for me, I actually have to take the risk of failing in order to discover success. And I think this is something that could be said for you as well.
Want to be a big-time blogger? You don't have to post 5 times a week, or even once a week. There's no magic formula. Find what works for you and do it.
Want to live a healthier lifestyle? You don't have to exercise 4 hours a day. You don't have to be a vegan. You do have to find what works for you and do it.
Want to write a book? You don't have to wake up at 5 AM everyday or stay up until 3 AM every night. If it's not your thing, don't do it. Find what works for you and... yup, you guessed it: do it.
I know I sound like a Nike commercial right now, but it doesn't get much simpler than that. If you're looking to live a richer, more fulfilling life right now, then stop reading, stop seeking the "right way." Figure out what it means for you to live a fulfilled life and just do it.
... ... ...
Questions: What is holding you back from achieving your goals? Why do you fear the risk of failure? How will you live a more fulfilled life in your own personal way today?
Don't forget to subscribe to Life Before the Bucket! If you enjoyed this post, please use the fancy schmancy buttons and links to share this post with your friends!
There's a Hole in the Bucket...
... dear Liza, dear Liza.
Just kidding.
I'm not here to sing you a catchy song.
Or even to write a catchy post.
Instead, I'm going to let you take the spotlight today.
Yup. You.
I fear there may be a hole in my good ol' bucket o' blogs, because it's running dry.
And when I don't have many blogs to read, I get sad.
So whether you're young or old, rich or poor, a native to this blog or a new reader, I want you to leave a comment with your a blog that you're really loving right now.
It can be about anything. Circuses. Parades. Circuses in parades! I'm not picky, I promise.
Let me have it! And thanks in advance!
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This is me when I run out of blogs to read. |
I'm not here to sing you a catchy song.
Or even to write a catchy post.
Instead, I'm going to let you take the spotlight today.
Yup. You.
I fear there may be a hole in my good ol' bucket o' blogs, because it's running dry.
And when I don't have many blogs to read, I get sad.
So whether you're young or old, rich or poor, a native to this blog or a new reader, I want you to leave a comment with your a blog that you're really loving right now.
It can be about anything. Circuses. Parades. Circuses in parades! I'm not picky, I promise.
Let me have it! And thanks in advance!
So Simple, Yet So Hard
This post is part of my weekly Time for Honesty. I do my best to share something that's on my heart that is honest,
sincere, and transparent - something that will get you thinking and get you to be honest with yourself.
If we're being honest (and by all indications, we are), then I have a confession to make:
I'm a little discouraged about blogging at the moment.
I've considered quitting. Posting less. Being ridiculously obnoxious and self-promoting. Doing more giveaways. Changing the layout. Changing the theme.
I've considered a lot of things, and I wonder what's brought on this disappointment.
Not "enough" people frequent Life Before the Bucket.
The fact that very few people in "real" life ever acknowledge my writing.
Just plain, ol' insecurity.
And really, the disappointment or discouragement I've been feeling is probably a combination of all of the above and more. But I keep my ultimate goal in mind: to change a life. One simple life. Even if just in one simple way. And if my goal is so important to me, why would I quit?
Who cares about pageviews or popularity? I don't in "real" life, so why should I "on here?" Or is it something deeper? Something deep-seeded within me that cries for love. That cries for someone to care and keep caring. That longs for people to know me and to see beyond my sickness and my pain.
This longing is within me, and yet, God is before me. Why is this solution so simple? And yet so difficult? Why must I spend my time trimming square pegs so I can pretend that they really do fit in circular holes? They don't. No matter how I frame it, my emptiness cannot - will not - be filled by things that I justify as being "of God."
He's the solution. It's just that easy.
So why is this equation so hard for me to understand?
Question: What have you been struggling with lately? What do you think the source of that struggle may be? What are some possible solutions?
If we're being honest (and by all indications, we are), then I have a confession to make:
I'm a little discouraged about blogging at the moment.
I've considered quitting. Posting less. Being ridiculously obnoxious and self-promoting. Doing more giveaways. Changing the layout. Changing the theme.
I've considered a lot of things, and I wonder what's brought on this disappointment.
Not "enough" people frequent Life Before the Bucket.
The fact that very few people in "real" life ever acknowledge my writing.
Just plain, ol' insecurity.
And really, the disappointment or discouragement I've been feeling is probably a combination of all of the above and more. But I keep my ultimate goal in mind: to change a life. One simple life. Even if just in one simple way. And if my goal is so important to me, why would I quit?
Who cares about pageviews or popularity? I don't in "real" life, so why should I "on here?" Or is it something deeper? Something deep-seeded within me that cries for love. That cries for someone to care and keep caring. That longs for people to know me and to see beyond my sickness and my pain.
This longing is within me, and yet, God is before me. Why is this solution so simple? And yet so difficult? Why must I spend my time trimming square pegs so I can pretend that they really do fit in circular holes? They don't. No matter how I frame it, my emptiness cannot - will not - be filled by things that I justify as being "of God."
He's the solution. It's just that easy.
So why is this equation so hard for me to understand?
Question: What have you been struggling with lately? What do you think the source of that struggle may be? What are some possible solutions?
This Past Week
School starts today and I'm already planning on dropping a class. Darn sickness.
I'm baaaack.... again!
Okay, I admit it. You probably didn't miss me nearly as much as I'd like to think you did. After all, who takes two separate week-long breaks from their blog in one summer? That's just not very nice, if you ask me.
Hopefully, though, you haven't forgotten about me. This last week has seemed like the longest non-blogging week ever - I swear it lasted at least a month.
And in case you were wondering, I've done a lot in the past week since I've been gone.
Did I mentioned I missed you?
Here's what I did...
Spent two and a half hours of my life enrolling for school.
Got my $4,000/month medicine... again.
Finished another book in the Bible (one of my goals for the year!).
Watched some more episodes of Psych.
Got to attend what I would call my "home" church (even though it's not in my hometown!).
Here's what I didn't do...
Wrestle a bear.
Re-design the blog.
Finish Radical Together.
Go skydiving.
Anything that required walking more than about 20 feet.
So as you can see, my week off was pretty productive, and yet unproductive at the same time! I mean, who goes a week without wrestling a bear?! A pretty lame week if you ask me.
I ramble, though, mainly to let you know that I'm thankful if you're still around and reading Life Before the Bucket. It's one of the small joys I have in my life and I enjoy sharing it with you. Though I've been more sick than usual as of late, I figure that if taking breaks from blogging helps me continue to blog in the long-run, then it's a good thing. Oh, and then there's that whole getting better from the sickness thing, too (yeah, right).
But since school is starting back up again today, I figure I need to resume blogging regularly, mostly for my sanity. And maybe a little for yours. So, as you can guess, things will be returning to pseudo-normalcy around here this week. And I liiiiike it. Hope you do too!
I'm baaaack.... again!
Okay, I admit it. You probably didn't miss me nearly as much as I'd like to think you did. After all, who takes two separate week-long breaks from their blog in one summer? That's just not very nice, if you ask me.
Hopefully, though, you haven't forgotten about me. This last week has seemed like the longest non-blogging week ever - I swear it lasted at least a month.
And in case you were wondering, I've done a lot in the past week since I've been gone.
Did I mentioned I missed you?
Here's what I did...

Got my $4,000/month medicine... again.
Finished another book in the Bible (one of my goals for the year!).
Watched some more episodes of Psych.
Got to attend what I would call my "home" church (even though it's not in my hometown!).
Here's what I didn't do...
Wrestle a bear.
Re-design the blog.
Finish Radical Together.
Go skydiving.
Anything that required walking more than about 20 feet.
So as you can see, my week off was pretty productive, and yet unproductive at the same time! I mean, who goes a week without wrestling a bear?! A pretty lame week if you ask me.
I ramble, though, mainly to let you know that I'm thankful if you're still around and reading Life Before the Bucket. It's one of the small joys I have in my life and I enjoy sharing it with you. Though I've been more sick than usual as of late, I figure that if taking breaks from blogging helps me continue to blog in the long-run, then it's a good thing. Oh, and then there's that whole getting better from the sickness thing, too (yeah, right).
But since school is starting back up again today, I figure I need to resume blogging regularly, mostly for my sanity. And maybe a little for yours. So, as you can guess, things will be returning to pseudo-normalcy around here this week. And I liiiiike it. Hope you do too!
It's Worth Asking
Last night, I watched a cheesy 90s movie while my wife was at a 90s boy band concert. We're so cool.
I woke up entirely too early this morning. As in like 6 AM early. This would be okay on a weekday. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. So it's 6:30 AM... on a Sunday! Nonsense.
So as I'm sitting here typing and drinking coffee, I realized something. I have the urge to add a few new blogs to Google Reader. Unfortunately, I don't know where to find these new blogs.
That's where you come in.
My request is simple: comment with the blog you're enjoying reading the most right now. I've asked about this before, so if you answered then, try to comment with something new. I'm all about trying new things, ya know.
The blog I'm enjoying most right now (that I haven't already plugged in the past)?
How about...
Life as Experienced. I just recently found this blog when its author, Seth, e-mailed me about doing a guest post. So, although I'm sure you'll be hearing from him soon around here, I wanted to give you a heads up about his blog! Give it a look-see (what a weird word...) and let him know what you think!
Oh, and while you're at it, have a great day. Keep being awesome!
I woke up entirely too early this morning. As in like 6 AM early. This would be okay on a weekday. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. So it's 6:30 AM... on a Sunday! Nonsense.
So as I'm sitting here typing and drinking coffee, I realized something. I have the urge to add a few new blogs to Google Reader. Unfortunately, I don't know where to find these new blogs.
That's where you come in.
My request is simple: comment with the blog you're enjoying reading the most right now. I've asked about this before, so if you answered then, try to comment with something new. I'm all about trying new things, ya know.
The blog I'm enjoying most right now (that I haven't already plugged in the past)?
How about...
Life as Experienced. I just recently found this blog when its author, Seth, e-mailed me about doing a guest post. So, although I'm sure you'll be hearing from him soon around here, I wanted to give you a heads up about his blog! Give it a look-see (what a weird word...) and let him know what you think!
Oh, and while you're at it, have a great day. Keep being awesome!
Oops, I Did it Again
I'm not sure what's with all of the song-inspired titles lately...
Today I'm going to do something daring. Something crazy. Something a little wacky.
I'm going to break some sort of unwritten blogging code and hope the blog police don't come for me.
I'm going to, once more, grovel for guest posts.
I received some great responses the first time I posted about this a couple of weeks ago, so I just wanted to throw the opportunity out there once more for anyone who might have missed it or maybe had just forgotten.
I need some awesome, epic guest posters!
That means YOU!
So, for the sake of not writing the exact same blog post twice, I wanted to share a few guest posts with you to help inspire you. Consider this my Shameless Plugging for the week, so I don't seem completely self-centered and self-promoting.
"Beating Writer's Block" by Jon Acuff - This is the most recent guest post that I've read and has some great advice for writers from Jon Acuff, a Christian blogger and author. He posted on a blog site called Money Saving Mom, which sounds completely out of his realm, and I thought that was pretty gutsy.
What I learned from this guest post: You can guest post anywhere. All you have to do is ask!
My Guest Post at My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream - Alright, this is pretty self-centered and self-promoting, I have to admit. But this is just another example of a guest post that may have been in a realm that doesn't necessarily line up with the one I normally write in.
What I learned from this guest post: If you guest post, you're guaranteed to sound funnier and smarter. I'm not sure why, but that's just the way it works. Sort of like when you eat someone else's ice cream. It always tastes better than it would have if it was your own.
"My Average Day Mostly Sucks" by Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary - I'm not sure what it was about this guest post, but it is one of my favorites. Jamie took F.U. Question's theme and flipped it on its head and then made a great guest post out of it!
What I learned from this guest post: I will never, in a million, bajillion years, be able to write as well as Jamie Wright. Sometimes, you just have to know when to admit these sort of things.
What I actually learned: You don't even have to run with a blog's theme when writing a guest post. Which means you could actually write a guest post for Life Before the Bucket explaining why you don't have a Bucket List or why you hate making goals. You just never know what I could go for!
Hopefully this has encouraged you to think about guest posting not only here, but on your other favorite blogs as well! Let me know if you're interested in guest posting here through a comment or in an e-mail and we'll make it happen!
Today I'm going to do something daring. Something crazy. Something a little wacky.
I'm going to break some sort of unwritten blogging code and hope the blog police don't come for me.

I received some great responses the first time I posted about this a couple of weeks ago, so I just wanted to throw the opportunity out there once more for anyone who might have missed it or maybe had just forgotten.
I need some awesome, epic guest posters!
That means YOU!
So, for the sake of not writing the exact same blog post twice, I wanted to share a few guest posts with you to help inspire you. Consider this my Shameless Plugging for the week, so I don't seem completely self-centered and self-promoting.
"Beating Writer's Block" by Jon Acuff - This is the most recent guest post that I've read and has some great advice for writers from Jon Acuff, a Christian blogger and author. He posted on a blog site called Money Saving Mom, which sounds completely out of his realm, and I thought that was pretty gutsy.
What I learned from this guest post: You can guest post anywhere. All you have to do is ask!
My Guest Post at My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream - Alright, this is pretty self-centered and self-promoting, I have to admit. But this is just another example of a guest post that may have been in a realm that doesn't necessarily line up with the one I normally write in.
What I learned from this guest post: If you guest post, you're guaranteed to sound funnier and smarter. I'm not sure why, but that's just the way it works. Sort of like when you eat someone else's ice cream. It always tastes better than it would have if it was your own.
"My Average Day Mostly Sucks" by Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary - I'm not sure what it was about this guest post, but it is one of my favorites. Jamie took F.U. Question's theme and flipped it on its head and then made a great guest post out of it!
What I learned from this guest post: I will never, in a million, bajillion years, be able to write as well as Jamie Wright. Sometimes, you just have to know when to admit these sort of things.
What I actually learned: You don't even have to run with a blog's theme when writing a guest post. Which means you could actually write a guest post for Life Before the Bucket explaining why you don't have a Bucket List or why you hate making goals. You just never know what I could go for!
Hopefully this has encouraged you to think about guest posting not only here, but on your other favorite blogs as well! Let me know if you're interested in guest posting here through a comment or in an e-mail and we'll make it happen!
Filed under:
Guest Post,
Jon Acuff,
My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream,
The Very Worst Missionary
I Don't Want to Beg, But...
Farmer's Markets are probably the best invention ever. Reminds me so much of the markets in Sierra Leone.
Alright, fellow Bucketeers. I didn't want to do it, but...
I'm begging for your help!
(Yes, the title says I don't want to beg. Doesn't mean I won't do it!)
If you haven't noticed as of late, I haven't been feeling very well. I'm not really sure this is going to be remedied anytime in the very near future, and I only feel more tired each day. Quite frankly, it sucks. That's why I need your help.
Instead of shamelessly plugging blogs today, as I usually do, I would like to shamelessly plug Life Before the Bucket...
for guest posts!
I'll be honest. I could survive without them, but honestly, I want to feature other people's writing on here! There are about a million avenues you could take when writing a guest post here on Life Before the Bucket:
Write about a life goal you've recently accomplished.
Write about a goal you've failed at (I do this frequently).
Write about a goal you're in the process of achieving.
Write about something that has absolutely nothing to do with your goals (again, I do this frequently).
Write about a specific hero that you have - we all need a little inspiration.
Or just about anything else you can think of.
If you write it, I can make it work.
So here I am, on my virtual, interweb knees, pleading for your help.
Would you consider writing a guest post for Life Before the Bucket?
If you're willing, able, or whatever the case may be, just e-mail me at You can send me the potential post in whatever format you please, and I'll let you know what I think!
Thank you so much in advance. You have no clue how much this will help me out.
Alright, fellow Bucketeers. I didn't want to do it, but...
I'm begging for your help!
(Yes, the title says I don't want to beg. Doesn't mean I won't do it!)
If you haven't noticed as of late, I haven't been feeling very well. I'm not really sure this is going to be remedied anytime in the very near future, and I only feel more tired each day. Quite frankly, it sucks. That's why I need your help.
Instead of shamelessly plugging blogs today, as I usually do, I would like to shamelessly plug Life Before the Bucket...
for guest posts!
I'll be honest. I could survive without them, but honestly, I want to feature other people's writing on here! There are about a million avenues you could take when writing a guest post here on Life Before the Bucket:
Write about a life goal you've recently accomplished.
Write about a goal you've failed at (I do this frequently).
Write about a goal you're in the process of achieving.
Write about something that has absolutely nothing to do with your goals (again, I do this frequently).
Write about a specific hero that you have - we all need a little inspiration.
Or just about anything else you can think of.
If you write it, I can make it work.
So here I am, on my virtual, interweb knees, pleading for your help.
Would you consider writing a guest post for Life Before the Bucket?
If you're willing, able, or whatever the case may be, just e-mail me at You can send me the potential post in whatever format you please, and I'll let you know what I think!
Thank you so much in advance. You have no clue how much this will help me out.
Your Turn!
There was a lightning flash so bright last night that I swear God was taking a picture of me...
It's Suuuuuunday.
Around here at Life Before the Bucket, that could only mean one thing.
I get to shamelessly plug whatever blogs I want. It's a beautiful thing, really.
However, this Sunday is going to have a little twist. This Sunday, I need your help.
Usually, I link to whatever blogs are striking my fancy at the moment. I've discovered lately, though, that I don't follow nearly enough blogs. And if I don't follow enough blogs, it means I don't have as many friends as I could have, which always makes me a little sad on the inside. Plus, I want to be able to share as many awesome blogs with you as possible!
So here's what I'm asking. It's simple, painless, and won't cost you a penny.
Leave a comment that shamelessly plugs one of your all-time favorite blogs. If you see that someone has already beat you to it, think of another. I want to hear about as many blogs as possible! Doesn't matter what they're about, either. You could link up to a blog written by a 40 year old dog that lives on Pluto for all I care (and I would care, because that would be awesome!).
So let me hear it.
What's your favorite blog to read?
It's Suuuuuunday.
Around here at Life Before the Bucket, that could only mean one thing.
I get to shamelessly plug whatever blogs I want. It's a beautiful thing, really.
However, this Sunday is going to have a little twist. This Sunday, I need your help.
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This is what I look like when I run out of blogs to read. |
So here's what I'm asking. It's simple, painless, and won't cost you a penny.
Leave a comment that shamelessly plugs one of your all-time favorite blogs. If you see that someone has already beat you to it, think of another. I want to hear about as many blogs as possible! Doesn't matter what they're about, either. You could link up to a blog written by a 40 year old dog that lives on Pluto for all I care (and I would care, because that would be awesome!).
So let me hear it.
What's your favorite blog to read?
On Typos
Well, at least one Boston team won a championship this year...
Do me a favor. Tell me how difficult this sentence is to read:
Alll I wunt too do durin thee summer is sleap and swam.
Not terrible, right? EDIT: Wrong. Apparently it's only easy if you hold your breath, tilt your head to the left 27.4 degrees, and do the Macarena.
We can all pretty much decipher that it's supposed to say, "All I want to do during the summer is sleep and swim." Because we're all geniuses around here. Ya know?
But imagine if an entire blog post looked like that.
I don't want to - that's for sure. It just makes me cringe thinking about it.
Do me a favor. Tell me how difficult this sentence is to read:

We can all pretty much decipher that it's supposed to say, "All I want to do during the summer is sleep and swim." Because we're all geniuses around here. Ya know?
But imagine if an entire blog post looked like that.
I don't want to - that's for sure. It just makes me cringe thinking about it.
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