
It's Worth Asking

Last night, I watched a cheesy 90s movie while my wife was at a 90s boy band concert. We're so cool.

I woke up entirely too early this morning. As in like 6 AM early. This would be okay on a weekday. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. So it's 6:30 AM... on a Sunday! Nonsense.

So as I'm sitting here typing and drinking coffee, I realized something. I have the urge to add a few new blogs to Google Reader. Unfortunately, I don't know where to find these new blogs.

That's where you come in.

My request is simple: comment with the blog you're enjoying reading the most right now. I've asked about this before, so if you answered then, try to comment with something new. I'm all about trying new things, ya know.

The blog I'm enjoying most right now (that I haven't already plugged in the past)?

How about...

Life as Experienced. I just recently found this blog when its author, Seth, e-mailed me about doing a guest post. So, although I'm sure you'll be hearing from him soon around here, I wanted to give you a heads up about his blog! Give it a look-see (what a weird word...) and let him know what you think!

Oh, and while you're at it, have a great day. Keep being awesome!


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