It's been a long week.
Am I the only one feeling that right now?
Regardless, if you're reading this, you've made it to another Friday. Through another week.
This has been one of the hardest weeks of my life, if I'm being honest. More on that later, though.

If you're new around here and aren't sure what that means, I'd love to let you know. Here's the low-down on FMF. Three simple rules:
1. Using the prompt given, write for 5 minutes flat, unedited, unadulterated.
2. Link back to the original Five Minute Friday post, because, well, why wouldn't you?
3. Encourage the person who linked up before you with a kind-hearted comment.
Simple enough, right? I'd have to agree. And now, for today's prompt...
Ready? Set? Go!
This summer, I've sucked at being still. We're always on the move. Always on the go. Moving from one place to another, completing some task or some other. It's frustrating, really, because I know that what my heart is yearning for right now is stillness.
I love being still. I don't do it well in a literal sense, for I shake on a regular basis because of my medicines and my lung disease. Call me a druggie if you will, but I definitely live with the shakes. However, that doesn't mean that I don't love just sitting, stopping, and simply being.
One of the most powerful things that I've ever done is a Retreat of Silence. We took something like 3-4 hours and spent it alone, silent, and still out in God's beautiful creation. Thankfully, the heat wasn't as blistering that fateful summer three years ago, so it was much easier to be still in the sun and be flooded by God's beauty.
Oh, how my heart yearns for that stillness. I need it.
And so, though it's not conducive to blog-writing, I'm using the remainder of my 5 minutes to do exactly what my heart longs to do: be still.
That was refreshing. Even if just for a couple of minutes.
Your turn!
When was the last time you were still? Have you ever been purposefully still? Or is this something you haven't heard of doing before? Give it a try!
I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Drop in with a comment or shoot me an e-mail!
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