Do you remember the day that you first got glasses?
That's a pretty big day if you've experienced it.
It's almost as if an entirely new world is opened up to you. You see things that were hidden before. Colors that didn't exist suddenly permeate your field of vision. The world became brighter, more beautiful. You can finally see what everyone else has always been excited about, those things you've just had to imagine with your mind.
When you get a new set of glasses or contacts, it's almost like you get a new lease on life. It's as if someone has been holding a plastic bag over your eyes your entire life, and they finally remove it. It's a feeling that can't be matched.
If you haven't had the experience of getting new glasses because you've always been able to see the world clearly, count yourself blessed. There are many people who would pay a lot of money to be able to see the things that you see effortlessly. Though we don't always see it, sight is a blessing.
Take, for instance, this photo to the right. If you use a little imagination, you can see that this is a set of bright pink flowers. And sure, they could look pretty if you squinted a little, tilt your head about 62.3 degrees, and hop on one foot, but really, it's just your imagination. These flowers aren't really that pretty because, frankly, you can't see them. You're missing out on their beauty because something is hindering your sight (in this case, my malicious photo editing).

And maybe that's what you need today: a new perspective.
Maybe today is the day you need to remove the old glasses you've been viewing life through, take a deep breath, and throw them away. And then put on a new set of lenses. You may be shocked by what you see. You may think the world is against you right now, throwing every stone they have your way. You're ducking, diving, and doing all that you can to avoid being hit. Maybe it's time to take off your glasses and try on some new lenses. Maybe you'll see that those aren't stones the world is hurling at you, but new opportunities to build something majestic. Maybe you'll see that this life isn't so bad after all.
Today, as you walk through your everyday routine - whether that's caring for your kids, working your 9 to 5, trying to find a new job, or whatever it may be - take a moment and close your eyes. Try to refocus your perspective. Or better yet, put on a new set of lenses. See your world how someone else might see it. Look for the beauty that has been hiding behind the mundane routine of your life, waiting to be found.
And when you find that beauty, don't let it go. Never forget it. Hold unswervingly to it, and don't let anyone take it from you, because life is beautiful and it is worth living.
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