Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts


Find the Beauty in Today

Today could be the most beautiful day of your life. It could be unforgettable, laced with memories unmatched.

Or today could be another Wednesday, caught in the mess of yet another week in another month in another year.

Today could be the most beautiful day of your life. It could be overflowing with love, compassion, and care for every person you encounter.

Or it could be filled with bickering, attitude, and self-loathing.

Today could be the most beautiful day of your life. It could even be greatest day of your life, if only you'd give it a chance.

Or it could settle for less, for "fine" or "good." But even "good" is forgettable.

Today could be the most beautiful day of your life. It could be filled with an unrivaled boldness that sets it apart from the pack.

Or it could simply become a day italicized, written for nothing more than fodder until the next beautiful day of your life.

Today will be the most beautiful day of your life. If only you give it a chance. If only you let it be different. If only you let it be loving. If only you don't let it settle for "good."

Make this day the most beautiful day of your life.

... ... ...

Questions: Do you really believe each day could be more beautiful than the next? What inspires you to seek beauty in your everyday life? How can you make today the most beautiful day of your life?

Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading! 

photo credit: boogy_man -



In the next 3 days, we'll be in 3 different cities. Gonna be crazy!

It's Friday. And a pretty special Friday, at that. This is the last free Friday I'll have this summer, so I'm relishing in that today.

Part of that relishing (which is a weird word, by the way) includes, as usual...

Five Minute Friday!

If you're a little clueless, allow me to fill you in. Three simple rules:

1. 5 minutes to write - no more, no less. And no editing! Just write!

2. Link back to The Gypsy Mama (where this all originates from!)

3. Go comment on the blog who "links up" (via The Gypsy Mama) before you!

Simple enough, eh?

Here's today's topic:


Ready... Set... Go!


Digging through the Bucket: A New Perspective

Today I am featuring a post that I wrote two months ago. I was going to write a new post on the topic, but then I realized that this one said everything I wanted to say, and that many of you may not have seen it. Enjoy!

Do you remember the day that you first got glasses?

That's a pretty big day if you've experienced it.

It's almost as if an entirely new world is opened up to you. You see things that were hidden before. Colors that didn't exist suddenly permeate your field of vision. The world became brighter, more beautiful. You can finally see what everyone else has always been excited about, those things you've just had to imagine with your mind.

When you get a new set of glasses or contacts, it's almost like you get a new lease on life. It's as if someone has been holding a plastic bag over your eyes your entire life, and they finally remove it. It's a feeling that can't be matched.

If you haven't had the experience of getting new glasses because you've always been able to see the world clearly, count yourself blessed. There are many people who would pay a lot of money to be able to see the things that you see effortlessly. Though we don't always see it, sight is a blessing.

Take, for instance, this photo to the right. If you use a little imagination, you can see that this is a set of bright pink flowers. And sure, they could look pretty if you squinted a little, tilt your head about 62.3 degrees, and hop on one foot, but really, it's just your imagination. These flowers aren't really that pretty because, frankly, you can't see them. You're missing out on their beauty because something is hindering your sight (in this case, my malicious photo editing).


A New Perspective

Finally watched the finale of the Biggest Loser last night (while everyone else was watching American Idol). Now we have no shows left to watch for the summer. Sad, sad day.

Do you remember the day that you first got glasses?

That's a pretty big day if you've experienced it.

It's almost as if an entirely new world is opened up to you. You see things that were hidden before. Colors that didn't exist suddenly permeate your field of vision. The world became brighter, more beautiful. You can finally see what everyone else has always been excited about, those things you've just had to imagine with your mind.

When you get a new set of glasses or contacts, it's almost like you get a new lease on life. It's as if someone has been holding a plastic bag over your eyes your entire life, and they finally remove it. It's a feeling that can't be matched.

If you haven't had the experience of getting new glasses because you've always been able to see the world clearly, count yourself blessed. There are many people who would pay a lot of money to be able to see the things that you see effortlessly. Though we don't always see it, sight is a blessing.

Take, for instance, this photo to the right. If you use a little imagination, you can see that this is a set of bright pink flowers. And sure, they could look pretty if you squinted a little, tilt your head about 62.3 degrees, and hop on one foot, but really, it's just your imagination. These flowers aren't really that pretty because, frankly, you can't see them. You're missing out on their beauty because something is hindering your sight (in this case, my malicious photo editing).

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