It's Friday. And a pretty special Friday, at that. This is the last free Friday I'll have this summer, so I'm relishing in that today.
Part of that relishing (which is a weird word, by the way) includes, as usual...
Five Minute Friday!
If you're a little clueless, allow me to fill you in. Three simple rules:

2. Link back to The Gypsy Mama (where this all originates from!)
3. Go comment on the blog who "links up" (via The Gypsy Mama) before you!
Simple enough, eh?
Here's today's topic:
Ready... Set... Go!
At first when I saw the topic of choice for today's Five Minute Friday, I cringed a little. Naturally, being a male who blogs definitely puts me in the minority. However, I think my perspective on this topic could be useful (or at least entertaining!).
First of all, my supervisor cited a book called Wild at Heart this summer that states that men are attracted to beauty. As if that's not obvious enough. Unfortunately, it often gets us in trouble as we seek it in all the wrong places. The world has one version of beauty, while God has presented us with another.
The world's version of beauty: Women, sex, cars, money, new gadgets, shiny objects (seriously!)
God's version of beauty: Redemption through Jesus, Creation (including women and sex - both things which he created), Family, Relationships
A quick look shows us why guys are so prone to falling flat on their faces when they're pursuing beauty. Why wouldn't we want a new car? Or the latest gadget? Or a bigger TV?
The truth is, we're trying to fulfill our longing for beauty with stuff, when it can only be truly filled by God through Jesus, our Savior and King.
What sort of things do you find beauty in? What attracts you when it comes to stuff, people, or relationships? Do you believe yourself to be beautiful?
Comment if you've got a few fingers to type with!
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