
All Natural Air Freshener

So I woke up at 4:45 AM for the first time this school year. And yes, it's only the second day of school. I see how this year is going to be.

Today, I want to talk about one of my favorite goals for this year: Goal #10.

Why exactly is it one of my favorites, you ask? And why am I talking about it? 

Oh, you didn't ask? Well, sadly, I misheard you, so you're going to have to hear me out.

Allow me to enlighten you:

My Reasons for Loving Goal #10 on my 111 in 2011:

A. It's goal 10, which just an awfully nice number. Easy to remember. Easy to divide. Easy to conquer.

B. It involves my wonderful wife, Kalyn, who is by far my favorite. Except Jesus (most days). And it involves making her happy, which always seems to bode well for me.

C. It also involves flowers, which aren't my favorite thing in the world, but they smell good, and thus help ward off the "there's clearly a dead weasel in the basement" odor that currently permeates our house.

Oh, wait, you don't know what Goal #10 is?

Well, that's tough.

Last time I checked, you didn't even want to know why it's one of my favorite goals.

Just kidding.

Goal #10 for 2011 in my book involves buying my beautiful wife (as already mentioned) a truckload of flowers (sort of already mentioned). Not a literal truckload, mind you, but only because we don't have a truck. More like a truckload in the sense that there is a truck somewhere full of them and I'm supposed to bring them to her, one bouquet at a time.

This week, I chose these flowers. I like them. She likes them. Dillon's likes to sell them to me. So we're all happy campers around here. Except that weasel. Someone really needs to do something about him...

Do either you or your spouse enjoy flowers? What about them do you like? What other sort of nice things have you intentionally done for them this year?

I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail, and if you enjoyed this post, share it with your friends!


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