It's Friday, Friday, Friday...!
(Sorry, I haven't made a Rebecca Black reference in a long time. Couldn't help myself.)
And if you've been around here for a Friday before, you know what that means!

Here's the deal-io, yo (why, yes, I'm weird - forgive me):
1. Write for 5 minutes flat about a given prompt from The Gypsy Mama without editing.
2. Invite your peeps to check out The Gypsy Mama and link up to her!
3. Go visit and comment on the blog of the person who linked up before you.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
(Goodness gracious, I don't know where all of these weird words are coming from. I'll understand if this is the last time you're ever here.)
Alrighty, then. Today's prompt is...
Ready... Set... Go!
As I'm reading a book called Enemies of the Heart, I'm trying to gauge my whole self, not just my actions or my behavior. I need my whole self to be healthy, including my heart - not just my actions. I need to work on what's going on inside me so that what I produce, whether word or deed, is honest, sincere, and pure.
I don't know what it is about me, but I struggle to reflect on my heart. I don't want to know its condition, because then I would have to heal it. But I know it's sick. And I know that I need my whole self to be healthy, not just the things I do or say.
Right now, I'm hoping to work on my forgiveness. I don't completely understand it or comprehend it, but I want to wholly forgive. I want to completely shed the anger I may be harboring toward people that have misled me or wronged me. I want my whole self to heal from that pain.
And maybe, just maybe, I'll get to love God a little more after the healing is all said and done. After all, he does want us to love him with our whole selves - heart, soul, mind, and strength. He doesn't just want our words, and he definitely doesn't just want our actions. He wants the whole kit and kaboodle.
Why? Because he loves us wholly. And the least we could do is return that love to the best of our abilities.
I can't believe I used the phrase "the whole kit and kaboodle." Oh, dear.
What are you doing right now to work on growing your whole self? What part of your life needs the most healing? What can you do today to initiate that healing?
I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Just drop in and leave a comment and give Life Before the Bucket a follow while you're at it!
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