Man, it's been awhile.

Luckily, the year is long and it gives me a long time to check everything off of my 111 for 2011. And this weekend, I was finally able to achieve
How, you ask?
By seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 in IMAX!
I'm no Darci (from Page Traveler Tales), but I do like Harry Potter. I started reading the books right when they came out. Unfortunately, I also lost my tenacity for reading around the 4th or 5th book and never actually finished out the series... until this past week.
Then came a wonderful opportunity. My sister-in-law wanted to see the final movie in this saga with her friends, but needed someone to take her. The kicker? My in-laws would foot the bill for the $15 ticket!
$15, you say? Yes. It's madness. But goodness gracious it's worth it.
The theatre (or is it theater? spell check prefers the latter) is at least two stories high. And by "the theatre," I mean the screen! It's outrageous! I don't know how on earth you could watch anything on it without sitting in the back row (which is, conveniently, what we did!).
EDIT: I stand corrected. The Warren IMAX Website informs me that the screen is stinking SIX stories tall!
I'm still not a fan of 3D, but maybe I'm an old fogey. However, seeing the final installment of Harry Potter allowed the 3D to definitely grow on me.
As for the goals I achieved... Well, here they are:
Goal 85 - See a movie in IMAX. Check!
Goal 106 - Watch 10 movies I haven't seen. Cha-ching!
Want proof? Here's the list of the 10 movies I've seen for the first time this year, along with how many "buckets" I'd give it:
The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (4 out of 5 buckets)
Avatar (5 buckets, for sure!)
Good Will Hunting (3.5 buckets out of 5)
Chaos Theory (3 buckets - two solely for Ryan Reynolds)
Despicable Me (4ish buckets, because I was distracted while watching it)
The Pianist (2 buckets max, solely because I don't remember this movie at all)
The Aviator (2 buckets... 3 if they would cut an hour of filler out of the movie!)
Dear God (2.5 buckets - would've been more, but Morgan Freeman didn't make an appearance as God)
Transformers III (4.5 buckets - much, much better than the 2nd one, which would receive negative buckets if it were on this list)
Harry Potter 7.5 (5 buckets, no doubt)
What are some of your favorite movies from this year? Are you into the Harry Potter series? What did you think of the finale? I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)!
And while you're here, feel free to give Life Before the Bucket a follow and share this post if you like it!
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