Congratulations. If you're reading this, you've made it to another Friday. Pat yourself on the back, find a good movie to watch (if you didn't lose 10 hours of sleeping watching a certain one last night), and enjoy yourself today.

I'm choosing to enjoy myself by doing a few things: going to the doctor, hanging out with my sister, and blogging! More specifically, participating in...
Five Minute Friday!
If you don't know what Five Minute Friday is, allow me to enlighten you. There are three simple rules to FMF, per The Gypsy Mama.
#1 - Write for 5 minutes flat. No editing, no tweaking. Just write.
#2 - Link back to The Gypsy Mama!
#3 - Go give some comment love to the person who did 5 Minute Friday before you!
Simple enough, eh?
Here goes nothing!
Today's prompt is...
Ready... Set... Go!
Alright, I feel like the Gypsy Mama is reading my mind here. I had a post planned out to do with this. I guess I have to take this a different direction (how dare I actually have to think!).
Here's the deal: I lose everything. If I've had it at one point in my life, I've lost it. And chances are, it's still pretty lost. The worst part is, I probably don't even know it!
I'm terrible about losing things and forgetting about them. I'm not sure when it started, either. I'd like to think that I could blame marriage for my forgetfulness, but I've only been married two years, and I've been a professional at losing things much longer than that. So luckily, the wife is off the hook (which is good, because I tend to like her).
I, like many others, wonder where all of these things go that I lose. Maybe the "Lost and Found" at school is actually a collection of my things. I'd check it out, but I've forgotten where it even is (see what I'm saying?). If it is a collection of my things, I should really consider thanking whoever it is that keeps those things for me. That's awful nice of them. Now if I could just get them to give it all back to me...
I wonder how my wife keeps track of me, sometimes. Especially on days when I just have a propensity to lose everything. She must have a super-brain or something. Or maybe it's a girl thing? The world may never know...
Yourrrrrr turrrrrrn! And no, my "r" key wasn't stuck. I just was too tired to lift my little finger off of the key. Have a great Friday!
Do you have a tendency to lose things? What do you do about it? Have you found ways to prevent yourself from forgetting about things? I could definitely use your help!
I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else!). And while you're at it, Share this post with your friends! Thanks for being so epic!
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