On Saturday, something extraordinary happened. Did you feel it? Did you see it? Hear it?

Seriously, though. On Saturday, something pretty epic happened. At noon, to be exact.
Any guesses?
Okay, fair enough. I'll spill.
We passed the halfway mark of 2011!
Crazy, huh? I'm pretty sure that's why everyone shot off fireworks on the 4th. I mean, they would have done it on the 2nd, but it was the weekend, and they were too lazy. Or maybe I'm a little off on this one.
In all truthfulness, it seems that the halfway point of the year is, for the most part, overlooked. I mean, we celebrate the end and beginning of old and new years. Why not the middle? I guess this explains why middle children have so many issues. I would too if I was overlooked. Thankfully, I'm an oldest child.
As I lived through the halfway point of the year, though, I wondered whether the first half of this year was truly productive. Am I becoming more of the person God wants me to be? Am I accomplishing the goals I set out at the beginning of the year? Have I really done anything worthwhile with the time I've been given?
I'm not really sure of the answers to any of those questions. However, I did notice something pretty neat. As I passed the halfway point of 2011, I realized that I'm also right at the halfway point for the number of pictures I'm supposed to take this year!
For some odd reason, I told myself that I wanted to take 5000 pictures with my camera this year. A bit ridiculous, if you ask me. Looks like I'm on pace, though!
I guess it just goes to show that you can't be afraid to set the bar high when you're setting goals for yourself. After all, what good would it have done for me to have set a goal to take 10 pictures this year? I would've finished before the first day of the year was over! So I set the bar pretty high, knowing that even if I fell short, I would have a lot of epic pictures to show for it that I wouldn't have otherwise.
So we're halfway to 2012, which begs the question: how are you doing with your goals for the year? Do you need to reevaluate? Try harder? Start over? Trust me when I say it's never too late to set some new goals for yourself. It's only too late when you've stopped trying.
What goals are you currently working on in your own life? Have you set any new goals recently? Have you had to adjust any of your goals for the year? What about any goals that you've already completed? I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Just drop me an awesome comment or shoot me an e-mail!
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