
An Open Letter to an Extrovert

The medicine I'm taking right now tastes like soap. Fifteen minutes straight of inhaling mist that takes like soap.

Dear Extrovert,

Hey! How are you doing? You see, I ask you that because I'm genuinely curious, not just because I'm polite and know how to banter. In fact, I really do like you a lot and think about you regularly. Sometimes, though, I think you misunderstand me.

You see, I'm an introvert. You know this well, and you accept me anyway - for the most part. However, I can't help but think that you have some sort of ulterior motive when you're talking to me. It's almost as if you're trying to convert me. Or cure me. I'm not sure which. As if I have some unspeakable disease that I'm suffering from, slowly dying from.

Allow me to let you in on a secret: I have no disease. There is nothing wrong with me. Frankly, I like how God made me. Introversion is not a disease - it's a piece of who I am.

I know that sometimes, since I'm quiet or reserved, I may appear to you as someone who thinks more highly of themselves than others. And granted, you're probably right part of the time - but only because I'm human and we all think that way from time to time. However, just because I'm quiet does not mean that I need to be "fixed." Just because I keep to myself does not mean I have a "problem."

It has also come to my attention that, since I'm a Christian, my faith and my personality type do not mesh. As a Christian, I know when I said I believe in the life and resurrection of Jesus and submitted my life to his Kingdom, I also said something to the effect of "I will be as loud and obnoxious as possible, showing myself off and partying like it's 1999." However, I must withdraw my words (which I seriously doubt I ever said).

Being a Christian is not synonymous with being an extrovert.

You see, I am a an introvert. And a Christian. And, whether you like it or not, God made me this way. It's who I am and who I will always be. I realize that I will never be loud and up front like you. And I'm quite glad for this, though I'm sure you believe that I'm distraught over my lack of supposed "leadership" ability.

Instead, I'll flounder in the background, doomed to a life of servitude and under-exposure. And I'm sure, in your mind's eye, you'll wonder why my gifts are going to waste, when they could surely be used to "lead" (see also: command, order, yell at) people closer to God. I'm sure you'll pray for me to change, and though I appreciate the concern, allow me to ask you for one thing: to stop.

I like who I am.

I like who God made me to be.

Please stop trying to fix that.

An Introvert


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