
Guess Who's Back?

Why, yes, the title of this blog post is an Eminem reference. Whether or not I like his music is up to you to decide...

Ah... It's been a week. A nice, long, refreshing week. Have you missed me? Because I've definitely missed you. I mean that it the non-creepiest way possible.

Over the last week, I managed to achieve oneness with God, devise a plan for world peace, and actually heard and understood every word my wife said to me. 

Just kidding.

My week wasn't nearly that productive. In fact, I, for the most part, sat around.

Sat. On my bum (which I hear is pretty much non-existent to begin with). Ate. Slept. Sat.

See what I'm saying? It wasn't exactly the greatest week of my life. But trust me when I say I needed the break. While breaking from blogging, I also took off from work, in hopes that the extra rest would help my body in the healing process that I hope it's in the middle of. I'm not hedging any bets on that, but it's worth a shot.

I did actually learn something this past week, though. Something pretty interesting. I read 3 books, so you would hope that I have something new going on in my noggin.

I learned that, apparently, (some) writers don't actually like to write.

And I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

I thought to myself, "Hey Self, you mean I'm not crazy when I get up in the morning and don't want to hammer out a new blog post? That doesn't mean I'm not actually a writer? I'm not alone?!"

Self did not reply, in case you were wondering.

You see, sometimes, I do like writing. But more often than not, I like having written even more (which is something else I learned is pretty typical of writers). I like it when the words are already there, neatly aligned, well-thought out, and somewhat coherent. I just don't like to do the work it takes to get there sometimes.

And apparently, that's okay.

Whew. Maybe I'm a writer after all. Or maybe not!

If not, I'm joining the circus.

(Maybe I should just stick to writing for now.)

What do you think? Is it unusual for writers to dislike writing? Or do you think that's normal? Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else!). Just drop me a comment or send me an e-mail!


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