Ah... It's been a week. A nice, long, refreshing week. Have you missed me? Because I've definitely missed you. I mean that it the non-creepiest way possible.
Over the last week, I managed to achieve oneness with God, devise a plan for world peace, and actually heard and understood every word my wife said to me.
Just kidding.

Sat. On my bum (which I hear is pretty much non-existent to begin with). Ate. Slept. Sat.
See what I'm saying? It wasn't exactly the greatest week of my life. But trust me when I say I needed the break. While breaking from blogging, I also took off from work, in hopes that the extra rest would help my body in the healing process that I hope it's in the middle of. I'm not hedging any bets on that, but it's worth a shot.
I did actually learn something this past week, though. Something pretty interesting. I read 3 books, so you would hope that I have something new going on in my noggin.
I learned that, apparently, (some) writers don't actually like to write.
And I breathed a deep sigh of relief.
I thought to myself, "Hey Self, you mean I'm not crazy when I get up in the morning and don't want to hammer out a new blog post? That doesn't mean I'm not actually a writer? I'm not alone?!"
Self did not reply, in case you were wondering.
You see, sometimes, I do like writing. But more often than not, I like having written even more (which is something else I learned is pretty typical of writers). I like it when the words are already there, neatly aligned, well-thought out, and somewhat coherent. I just don't like to do the work it takes to get there sometimes.
And apparently, that's okay.
Whew. Maybe I'm a writer after all. Or maybe not!
If not, I'm joining the circus.
(Maybe I should just stick to writing for now.)
What do you think? Is it unusual for writers to dislike writing? Or do you think that's normal? Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else!). Just drop me a comment or send me an e-mail!
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