Showing posts with label Hiatus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiatus. Show all posts


And the Winners Are...!

Hey, everyone! I'm baaaaaaack!

And by everyone, I mean those of you who haven't jumped ship in the last month - thanks for sticking around!

I'm not going to bother you with a blog post today, because, well, let's be honest - there are bigger fish to fry.

In other words... It's time to announce the winners of the Longest Contest Ever!

I allowed Rafflecopter to choose the winners. No favorites here, though I'd like to think you're all my favorites!

Here they are!

The Prizes and Their Winners:

1  - $25 Amazon Gift Card - Zee Kleshchar

1 - Free-For-All Guest Post (by you!) on Life Before the Bucket (Anything goes!) - Thomas Mason

1 - Free Guest Post from Me About Anything You Please - Bekah Freed

1 - Month of Free Advertising - Aly Lewis

If you're one of these lucky individuals, shoot me an e-mail at to claim your prize! If you don't claim it within 30 days, it goes wherever it is unclaimed prizes go (which would just be sad). Can't wait to hear from you!

For everyone else: how was the last month for you? Anything groundbreaking happen while I was gone? I'd love to hear from you!


This Past Week

School starts today and I'm already planning on dropping a class. Darn sickness.

I'm baaaack.... again!

Okay, I admit it. You probably didn't miss me nearly as much as I'd like to think you did. After all, who takes two separate week-long breaks from their blog in one summer? That's just not very nice, if you ask me. 

Hopefully, though, you haven't forgotten about me. This last week has seemed like the longest non-blogging week ever - I swear it lasted at least a month.

And in case you were wondering, I've done a lot in the past week since I've been gone.

Did I mentioned I missed you?

Here's what I did...

Spent two and a half hours of my life enrolling for school.
Got my $4,000/month medicine... again.
Finished another book in the Bible (one of my goals for the year!).
Watched some more episodes of Psych.
Got to attend what I would call my "home" church (even though it's not in my hometown!).

Here's what I didn't do...

Wrestle a bear.
Re-design the blog.
Finish Radical Together.
Go skydiving.
Anything that required walking more than about 20 feet.

So as you can see, my week off was pretty productive, and yet unproductive at the same time! I mean, who goes a week without wrestling a bear?! A pretty lame week if you ask me.

I ramble, though, mainly to let you know that I'm thankful if you're still around and reading Life Before the Bucket. It's one of the small joys I have in my life and I enjoy sharing it with you. Though I've been more sick than usual as of late, I figure that if taking breaks from blogging helps me continue to blog in the long-run, then it's a good thing. Oh, and then there's that whole getting better from the sickness thing, too (yeah, right).

But since school is starting back up again today, I figure I need to resume blogging regularly, mostly for my sanity. And maybe a little for yours. So, as you can guess, things will be returning to pseudo-normalcy around here this week. And I liiiiike it. Hope you do too!


Sick of Being Sick

Hola, friends!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be taking another week-long break, as I did earlier in the summer. The infection in my lungs (the bacteria is called pseudomonas if you want to look it up) went away, but now it's back and kicking my butt.

In the meantime, I'm hoping I'll be able to find time to renovate the good ol' blog - I found a layout that I think I want to implement that is similar to the one that I'm currently using.

Have a good week, and don't miss me too much!


Guess Who's Back?

Why, yes, the title of this blog post is an Eminem reference. Whether or not I like his music is up to you to decide...

Ah... It's been a week. A nice, long, refreshing week. Have you missed me? Because I've definitely missed you. I mean that it the non-creepiest way possible.

Over the last week, I managed to achieve oneness with God, devise a plan for world peace, and actually heard and understood every word my wife said to me. 

Just kidding.

My week wasn't nearly that productive. In fact, I, for the most part, sat around.

Sat. On my bum (which I hear is pretty much non-existent to begin with). Ate. Slept. Sat.

See what I'm saying? It wasn't exactly the greatest week of my life. But trust me when I say I needed the break. While breaking from blogging, I also took off from work, in hopes that the extra rest would help my body in the healing process that I hope it's in the middle of. I'm not hedging any bets on that, but it's worth a shot.

I did actually learn something this past week, though. Something pretty interesting. I read 3 books, so you would hope that I have something new going on in my noggin.

I learned that, apparently, (some) writers don't actually like to write.

And I breathed a deep sigh of relief.


A Brief Hiatus

Alright, fellow Bucketeers.

Don't weep. I promise I'll be back.

I'm taking a week off to rest. My body needs it. Badly.

In the famous words of Arnold Schwarzenegger...

I'll be back.
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