Today, I want to talk to you about something that I fear I may be alone in experiencing...

Cravings, in and of themselves, are a little weird to me. My wife tells me she has cravings for things like fruit, while my mom craves ice cream. Cravings (especially ones associated with food) seem to be all over the place.
You know what's really weird, though?
I don't get cravings all that often. I'm pretty sure the only things in the world that I ever crave are Pepsi, steak, and pizza. So if you want some brownie points, feel free to send me any of the above. I'll repay you with a huge smile and the biggest virtual hug ever recorded.
I'm sure cravings serve some sort of useful purpose. Or maybe they're some sort of evolutionary thing that we don't need anymore. Like my pinky toe. It's about as useless as a screen door on a submarine. My wise and wonderful wife (see what I did there?) suggested once that our bodies actually have cravings because they're lacking in something, and she's probably on the right track. I'm just not quite sure what my body craving Pepsi means, though...
So cravings, though annoying, are rather normal and may serve a purpose. I wonder, though, if any of you experience cravings beyond food.
For instance, do you crave...
a night in the Bahamas? (don't we all?)
bungee-jumping? (because I do!)
a good blog post? (luckily, you found one!)
Maybe I'm crazy and I'm the only one who craves these sort of things. But I really feel alone when I start to tell people that I get word cravings.
It's not like I crave to read them or wish I could come up with something brilliant to write (because I've always got something brilliant up my sleeve... just kidding!). No, instead, I get cravings with words that get stuck in my head.
In fact, just yesterday, I experienced this. My wife used the word "coagulated," and it's been stuck in my head ever since. Like a bad song on replay that gets stuck in your head. And I've had a craving to use it ever since. So here goes nothing...
Yes, I realize cottage cheese is a form of coagulated milk. I still love it, though.
Craving released.
Until some other fancy-schmancy word comes along and ruins my day, anyway.
Am I alone in getting word cravings? Are there any other weird things that you crave? What about unique food cravings? I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Just leave a comment or send me an e-mail!
You are definitely not alone in craving words! I totally get that!
My weirdest food craving lately is peanut butter with sriracha sauce. Yum!
You are definitely not alone in craving words! I totally get that!
My weirdest food craving lately is peanut butter with sriracha sauce. Yum!
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