I love hearing people's stories.
I desire to hear other people's thoughts.
I guess that explains why I want to be a therapist in the future.
It's simply amazing to me how one person's individual reflections can spur on my own thoughts and push me to become more of the person I was meant to be.
This happened a few weeks ago. And it was quite frustrating, in fact.
I was reading a blog that I love, written by a friend named Stephanie. It was this post, specifically, that got me thinking. The title of the post is "I want to write a novel and become famous." And within the post, Stephanie reflects on various desires she has. One desire she expressed resonated with me, though:
It would be nice to be a hermit and read every book ever written (perhaps the size of the Beauty and the Beast library - full - of books), but I am also addicted to my computer and film, music, art, and to a certain degree, knowing what is happening in the world.
You see, I'm a reserved person by nature. And though I've been told that this is apparently "something to work on" by some, I know that I am who I am because God created me to be as such.
Naturally, then, as a reserved person, the idea of being a hermit appeals immensely to me. Don't mind the fact that I'm married to the most wonderful woman I've ever met. She could live with me in my hermit-life, I suppose (though that may be breaking some sort of hermit "code of conduct"). I realized something, though, as I read Stephanie's thoughts.
I want to enact change in this world. Big, small, or hardly noticeable. I want to change the world and change the lives of the people living in it. Unfortunately...
You can't be a recluse that changes the world.
It just doesn't work that way.
So I fight against my nature to hide on a daily basis. I struggle with my mind's desire to remain hidden because I know that I am alive for a reason - God would have arranged otherwise long ago if that wasn't the case. I know that I am not alive today to become a hermit and disappear.
No, I'm here to stay, my friends. I'm here to make a difference. I'm here to change the world.
What about you? How do you dream of changing the world? What sort of change to you hope to bring by the time your life is complete? Would being a hermit jive with your dreams?
I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Just leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail!
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