Note from Adrian: This is another guest post, as I'm still going crazy with the start of my Master's program. Today's post comes from Andi Cumbo. Be sure to thank her for her contribution!
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I saw the picture, and I knew. I didn’t even have to blow it up from a thumbnail to see it – this was my farmhouse.
I called the realtor and saw it that day. By the next day, I had put in an offer. And just three weeks ago, the farmhouse and its ten acres became mine.
This house, this land – this is my dream.
I’ve cultivated this dream for 15 years, imagining a place where I could grow my own food – a huge vegetable garden where I’d plant lots of tomatoes for sauce that I’d perfect over years. A place where I could raise animals – not for meat, but for fiber – alpacas and maybe angora rabbits - and where goats can frolic, not to mention clean up the underbrush. A place where the people I love – musicians and writers, in particular – can come to relax and rejuvenate.
My farm, I call it. Qol Dumamah DuQah – the transliteration for the Hebrew phrase God’s Whisper, that voice that speaks so quietly to Elijah in the cave.
The farmhouse is 728 square feet in total and rests on a rise that shows me the mountains of the Blue Ridge in all their weathered beauty. Up the hill, one day soon, I will build a timber frame house with a huge living room centered on a huge fireplace. The large deck will open onto these mountains. Then, my father will take over the farmhouse, and people will stay in my guest rooms. Dad and I will build a rustic log cabin, and someone seeking to hermit away a bit can come to rest there.
My chickens Rusty and Ruby will start our flock, and Meander the bloodhound mix will be the porch dog. Pygmy goats will prance by with alpacas and their handlers, the Great Pyrenees I will adopt.
I will carve an amphitheater into the hillside so people can play music or read their work. We will drink local scuppernong cider and eat that sauce I’ve perfected poured straight over homemade bread.
On quiet nights, I will sit on the porch with my legs tucked under an afghan. I will read; I will write; I will pray; I will dream.
It is so easy to put off our dreams, to say we’ll do them when we have paid off the new carpet or when the kids go to school or when we have enough money. But what if we never get the carpet paid for, what if the kids never leave home, what if the money never comes?
It’s easy to put off our dreams until the time is “right,” but maybe our definition of the right time isn’t, well, quite right. It seems to me that sometimes what dreams need is risk – sometimes big, hairy risk. After all, tiny, tame choices don’t really get us that far.
Right now, I’m still in the process of building up my income as a writer – another risk I took about 3 years ago when I quit full-time college teaching – and in the final stages of editing my first book. This is not the “ideal” time to be buying property. Yet still, the place was available now. I could have played it safe and bet that another place would come when I was more “ready,” but I’m a firm believer that the regrets for things you do are so much easier to bear for the things you don’t do. And right now, I have no regrets of any kind.
I do have fatigue, and the new knowledge that stink bugs live in electric outlets. I have the story of the time a mouse ran over my hand, and a great deal of information about how to remove the smell of cat urine from hardwood – but regrets – not a one.
I’m not sure dreams are things built on practicality. I think they’re built on pillars that seem like they might not hold but can only be tested with wait, like the stones that hold up a one hundred year old farmhouse in the Blue Ridge. At least, that’s what holds up mine.
What life do you dream into?
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Andi Cumbo is a writer, editor, and writing teacher who is finishing up her book You Will Not Be Forgotten about the people who were enslaved on the former plantation where she was raised. When she is not removing old carpet or training her new puppy Meander, she blogs daily at You can also follow her on Twitter ( or Facebook (
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
It's Spring Break!
This is undoubtedly the best Monday of the year.
Unless Christmas is on a Monday. And it isn't. Carry on!
Technically, it's the first day of Spring Break. Realistically, though, it's the third or fourth day we've been out of school (depending on where you attend and your class schedule).
Of course, if you're a real adult, you gave up the dream of Spring Break long ago. Now it mostly means trying to occupy your kids for a week while managing to somehow still make money. And that's no good.
It could be worse, though. Your forecast could call for rain all week (like ours does). So much for getting a nice tan or reading outside all week. My Kindle is allergic to the rain, so I'm going to have to pass on that one.
And as if that isn't enough, you could be spending Spring Break somewhere that was mocked by a national late night show host:
Unless Christmas is on a Monday. And it isn't. Carry on!
Technically, it's the first day of Spring Break. Realistically, though, it's the third or fourth day we've been out of school (depending on where you attend and your class schedule).
Of course, if you're a real adult, you gave up the dream of Spring Break long ago. Now it mostly means trying to occupy your kids for a week while managing to somehow still make money. And that's no good.
It could be worse, though. Your forecast could call for rain all week (like ours does). So much for getting a nice tan or reading outside all week. My Kindle is allergic to the rain, so I'm going to have to pass on that one.
And as if that isn't enough, you could be spending Spring Break somewhere that was mocked by a national late night show host:
Of course, that is where I'm currently spending Spring Break, but that's beside the point. Also, I'd like to note that we don't sound like we're from Wisconsin (like that lady). Also, I've never worn a parka in my life. And, as the forecast shows, you'd die of a heat stroke in a parka if you were in Wichita this Spring Break.
Now that we've cleared up some misconceptions about Wichita...
Most of the people that read this blog, though, are stuck without a Spring Break. And though I think that should be illegal, the least I can do is help you to dream. So let's dream together.
If you were given a Spring Break to do whatever you wanted, where would you go and how would you spend your time?
Personally, I'd want to be somewhere that I could accomplish one of my life goals, like skydiving, bungee jumping, or seeing one of the Seven Wonders of the World. And it would have to be somewhere that doesn't have rain all week; I've gotta get my tan on.
So what about you? What would your dream Spring Break look like?
Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!
Changing the World
I had a breathing test the other day. I'm not really sure if I should be excited about 26% lung function, but I am!
I love hearing people's stories.
I desire to hear other people's thoughts.
I guess that explains why I want to be a therapist in the future.
It's simply amazing to me how one person's individual reflections can spur on my own thoughts and push me to become more of the person I was meant to be.
This happened a few weeks ago. And it was quite frustrating, in fact.

I love hearing people's stories.
I desire to hear other people's thoughts.
I guess that explains why I want to be a therapist in the future.
It's simply amazing to me how one person's individual reflections can spur on my own thoughts and push me to become more of the person I was meant to be.
This happened a few weeks ago. And it was quite frustrating, in fact.
Dreaming Big
Guess what? Today's your lucky day! You get to listen to somebody much funnier and much more inspirational than I could ever hope to be! Ben is a great guy who wrote up a great post for you guys, so give him some love and go check out his blog!
I'm Ben.
Which means I'm not Adrian.
Which means this is a guest post.
Which means I'm making progress on my list of
things to accomplish in my 19th year on this planet. Now that Kate
Middleton is officially off the market, my goal of writing at least 7
guest posts for other blogs has moved up to the #2 spot.
What is #1 you ask from the edge of your seat?
Glad you asked.
It's to raise $10,000 to help me make my music and to provide clean water to a village that doesn't currently have it.
One Question
This sickness is kicking the crap outta me. If you're into praying, I'd appreciate any long/short/quick/impromptu prayers you could say for me. Thanks in advance!
Today, I'm not feeling my best. But I want to leave something for you here, because I love you and don't want you to think I've abandoned you. So today, I've got one simple question for you:
If money were no object, where would you be and what would you be doing right now?
My answer?
Hopefully I'd be in a hospital, getting my lungs fixed. I realize it's a process, but hey, if money is no object, then maybe things would get done a little quicker. Ya know?
Let me hear your thoughts and answers to this question! Would you do something crazy? Or would you be somewhere vacationing? Or helping out somewhere? No answer can be wrong! Leave a comment and let me hear about it or e-mail me!
Today, I'm not feeling my best. But I want to leave something for you here, because I love you and don't want you to think I've abandoned you. So today, I've got one simple question for you:
If money were no object, where would you be and what would you be doing right now?
My answer?
Hopefully I'd be in a hospital, getting my lungs fixed. I realize it's a process, but hey, if money is no object, then maybe things would get done a little quicker. Ya know?
Let me hear your thoughts and answers to this question! Would you do something crazy? Or would you be somewhere vacationing? Or helping out somewhere? No answer can be wrong! Leave a comment and let me hear about it or e-mail me!
The End of a Dream... For Now
I've been up for almost an hour and a half and only consumed one cup of coffee. This is clearly a problem.
Last night was a sad night in my life. Very, very sad. Not quite weeping sad, but sad, nonetheless. But what is there to be sad about when school is out, you ask? The answer is quite simple, in my mind.
The Celtics.
It makes me tear up on the inside just thinking about them.
Okay, so I jest.
My Journey with Weight
Ah, finals week. One of the least stressful weeks of the semester. Odd, isn't it?
Since I've gotten in the habit of reading blogs, I've noticed one thing. Everyone seems to have their issues with weight. Whether they're overweight and trying to cut a few pounds or they simply want to tone themselves, weight is something almost all people struggle with at some point in their lives. And if I'm being honest with myself (and with you), it's something I've struggled with, too. However, if you know me, you are aware my struggle is a little different.
You see, I don't struggle with weight like most others because, well, I don't weigh much. Instead, as many can attest to, my struggle is the fact that I cannot gain weight and keep it on. I'm as skinny as a rail.
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