Showing posts with label Progress Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progress Report. Show all posts



I just spent an hour trying to figure out how to fix my Keurig. Turns out all I needed to do was burp it like a 2 month old. But much more vigorously.

School started back up this week.

Inevitably, this means I'm back to my life of conversating about facial hair approximately 43% of the time.

So, in the interest of sheer curiosity on your part (because there was obviously a demand for this post... just kidding!), I'd like to bring you a photo-op, featuring none other than...

My beard!

I know, I know, you can't contain your excitement.

About 4 months ago, I completely rid The Beard of its glory. 

The Beard in its Former Glory:

The Post-Fall Beard:

About Four Months Later:

I'd say The Beard is making a strong comeback. It may never reach its full potential again (because I enjoy having a happy marriage), but it's definitely alive and well.

I know, I know, you were concerned for it. You can lay your fears to rest.

So yes, I realize there isn't much point to this post, but I figure it's good to have fun and not need to learn something or reflect on something from time to time. Sometimes, you just need to smile and remember "the good ol' days."

Question: When you think of "the good ol' days," what comes to mind?

I'd love to hear from you! Just drop me a comment or an e-mail, and share this post with your friends while you're at it!


My Journey with Weight

Ah, finals week. One of the least stressful weeks of the semester. Odd, isn't it?

Since I've gotten in the habit of reading blogs, I've noticed one thing. Everyone seems to have their issues with weight. Whether they're overweight and trying to cut a few pounds or they simply want to tone themselves, weight is something almost all people struggle with at some point in their lives. And if I'm being honest with myself (and with you), it's something I've struggled with, too. However, if you know me, you are aware my struggle is a little different.

You see, I don't struggle with weight like most others because, well, I don't weigh much. Instead, as many can attest to, my struggle is the fact that I cannot gain weight and keep it on. I'm as skinny as a rail.

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