
My Journey with Weight

Ah, finals week. One of the least stressful weeks of the semester. Odd, isn't it?

Since I've gotten in the habit of reading blogs, I've noticed one thing. Everyone seems to have their issues with weight. Whether they're overweight and trying to cut a few pounds or they simply want to tone themselves, weight is something almost all people struggle with at some point in their lives. And if I'm being honest with myself (and with you), it's something I've struggled with, too. However, if you know me, you are aware my struggle is a little different.

You see, I don't struggle with weight like most others because, well, I don't weigh much. Instead, as many can attest to, my struggle is the fact that I cannot gain weight and keep it on. I'm as skinny as a rail.

A lot of people tell me they'd be glad to have my problem. And I don't mind it because I know God made me how I am for a reason. However, being underweight is a health risk, just like being overweight. Coupled with my unique medical situation (which I'll be posting about soon), that can cause problems. Thus, I struggle with my weight too.

Trust me, I know it's not the same. I know being overweight is difficult. It is hard to lose weight. It is hard to change a lifestyle and maintain that change. And I admire every person I know that has taken on such a challenge. But trust me when I say this is hard, too. Here's a little evidence to help convince you.

This is a chart I started recording my weight on nearly 7 months ago to the day. And at this point, I've actually lost weight. So one of my goals for 2011 is to gain 40 pounds, and that's no joke. But it is by far one of the most difficult things I want to do this year.

At one point, right around the time I got married to my beautiful wife 2 years ago (yeah, I know we're an old married couple), I was a lot closer to my "goal weight" than I am today. I weighed nearly 25 lbs. more than I do right now. I'd like to think it had something to do with why Kalyn married me. However, it's hard for me to keep weight on when I'm anything above 115 lbs., so it disappeared in a hurry.

Honestly, it sounds hopeless. It even feels a little hopeless for me to gain weight. And some days, I simply don't care. I don't want to make an effort some days. But I know if I stop caring completely, I'm giving up on a lot more than looking like this guy:

I would be giving up on my health, and ultimately, part of my future. And that would be giving up on some of my hopes and dreams, as well as on the people I love. And that is not okay.

So I say all of this, not for me, but for you. For you, who is overweight, but doesn't think change can truly happen. For you, who (like me) is underweight, and struggles because no one truly understands your plight. I'm writing this for you, who may be an "average" weight, but who may not be happy with the way they look. This is for you.

This dream you have of being healthy isn't unattainable. It isn't unreasonable. It isn't impossible. It isn't out of reach. And this dream doesn't need to wait to begin tomorrow, next week, or next year. You can make a step in the right direction today.

One of the blogs I follow would be an excellent place for you to begin. It's called NerdFitness and you can check it here. The NerdFitness blog is updated about once or twice a week, is always motivational, and is packed full of information for people of all shapes and sizes. And there's also a community forum where you can ask questions, get feedback, and be held accountable on your journey toward a healthier you.

So what are you waiting for? Get up and get going. Do something about your dream right now, right this second, while you still have the chance. Make it happen, and then let the whole world know about it, because people need to know their dreams can be reality. 

Your dreams can be reality.

  Is weight loss or gain something you've struggled with? Have you conquered it? Do you have any advice for those, like myself, who are just beginning their journey? Let me hear about it (or anything else that's on your mind!) in a comment, an e-mail (awaller1990@gmail.com), or on the Life Before the Bucket Facebook page!
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