
The Nerdiest Blog Post Ever

To start off this nerdfest, I have to tell you that I'm putting off writing my last paper for the semester to do this. Because I care and I was concerned that you might not make it if I waited to post something new. And maybe because I don't care about the paper. Maybe.

You know, "nerd" is a funny word. 

First of all, it sounds funny.  

Nerd, nerd, nerd, nerd, nerd. Nuh-urd. Nerd.

See what I'm saying?

Secondly, it either describes a person or a piece of candy.
Shame on you, Willy Wonka, for confusing us all.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not here to talk about a candy giveaway. Nor am I talking about giving away actual human nerds, because that would be equally weird and about 1,000 times more illegal. Nope. No giveaways here. At least not yet...

Instead, I want to share my inner nerd with you. Consider it me giving away part of myself to you. That's gotta count for something, right?

As you can see, Life Before the Bucket has undergone some changes in the last couple of weeks. I've been working hard to produce an environment here that is conducive to living life to the fullest. This has included a few things:
  1. First of all, Life Before the Bucket now has a Facebook page! If you haven't checked it out, there's never a better time than now. And while you're at it, click that fancy little "Like" button!
    1. Oh yeah. This list will have subpoints, because what's nerdier than that?
    2. First subpoint (which is actually #2): The LBTB page is for YOU! Interact with each other, comment on posts, share ideas, inspiration, goals, achievements, criticism... You name it, I wanna hear it!
    3. Share the crap outta that Facebook page!
  2. Life Before the Bucket has a new look! Don't remember the old one? That's a good thing. It's not coming back.
    1. I'd love to hear your feedback on the new design! Is it confusing? Something you don't understand? Let me know!
  3. I've started using Infolinks. What is this nonsense, you ask? Well, allow me to tell you... in a subpoint.
    1. Infolinks is a way for me to do some advertising on LBTB without being obnoxious.
    2. See those randomly double-underlined words? That's Infolinks.
    3. Ever wondered what would happen if you clicked on one of those links? TRY IT!
      1. I promise you won't get a virus. Or spyware. Or malware. Or any ware, for that matter.
  4. As you click on those links, it helps to support Life Before the Bucket, which really supports YOU. If I can start generating revenue, I can start doing... giveaways!
    1. What's this, you say? That should've been a subpoint under #3? Touché.
  5. Comments. Gotta address comments here. What was I going to say, though...?
    1. Ohhhhh. I remember now.
      1. You can comment on Life Before the Bucket!
        1. I know it's a mortal sin to actually comment on a blog, but I promise God will forgive you.
      2. You don't need a username or password or even a REAL name to comment!
      3. Screenshots = Pretty nerdy if you ask me.
        1. To comment, just click on a post and scroll to the bottom of the post. You'll see the brave souls that have commented and lived to tell about it.
        2. After scrolling, you'll see the dreaded Comment box. It looks like the screenshot you're seeing here.
        3. See where it says "Comment as"? You can select quite a few options here, including "Anonymous" or "Name/URL." With these two options, you don't need an account with anyone to comment on Life Before the Bucket!
  6. I'm losing track of where I'm at on this list.
  7. Oh wait... I'm done!
So there you have it! 

Did you read it all? 

If so, did you read it all again?  

Are you still scared that a troll will attack you when you comment on Life Before the Bucket? 

Then you obviously didn't read it all, so shame on you. 

We all have an inner nerd for something, so what's your inner nerd passionate about? Gymnastics? Legos? Physics? Let me hear about your passions in a comment, an e-mail (awaller1990@gmail.com), or on the Life Before the Bucket Facebook page!


Heather Reese said...

The first thing I thought to myself when I opened your post today was "wow! This page looks REALLY nice!" I love it!

tsister said...

Adrian, you really need to be properly introduced to nerdfighteria.

Anonymous said...

and in the end the nerd gets the girl

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