
Everyday Heroes

Every Saturday, I want to feature posts from people like YOU about normal, everyday people that make a lasting difference in this world. If you would like to write something for the Everyday Heroes series, leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail and I'll let you know what to do! And you don't need to be a blogger or a writer of any kind! You just need to have a hero that you want people to know about!

Today, I want to tell you about a hero that may seem a little odd.

This hero is small in stature, doesn't speak well, and can't really stand on his own two feet.

This hero can't take care of himself, let alone someone else.

Heck, this hero even pees his pants from time to time.

I know you're dying to know. Who on earth could be worthy of writing about that can't even control his own bladder?

The Everyday Hero that I'm writing about this week is...

My nephew, Skylar!

I know, I know. You're probably shaking your head and about ready to leave my blog. But there's some method to madness here!

First of all, this kid is a genius. He knows exactly what my camera sounds like and always poses for me when I'm around. Can't get much better than that.

Not to mention the fact that he's adorable. He's the cutest thing since sliced bread. And he's part Asian, which definitely earns him a few bonus points in my book.

Honestly, though, Skylar is my hero for a few very serious reasons. 

First of all, he wears his emotions on his sleeve. I know he's an infant, so he doesn't know any better. But where did we get the idea that suppressing how we feel and ignoring our emotions was healthy? Who taught us that? And is it really a good thing? I mean, I know it's good that we learn enough self-control to keep from throwing a tantrum in Wal-Mart, but honestly, I'd rather see someone crying than pushing their sadness below the surface so that it'll later emerge in the form of depression.

Secondly, he has been through a lot and can still enjoy life. He has a pretty short memory, because, well, he's not even two years old. Even though he's been through a lot with our jacked up family, he still finds a reason to smile at the end of the day, whether that's from a ticklefest or watching Spongebob.

Finally, Skylar is my hero because he isn't afraid to get up again. This child has probably suffered more head trauma than any living human should endure in a lifetime. If he isn't destroying his head on the floor at least once every few hours, something is wrong. If there's something that's in his way, like a door, a person, an animal, a toy, or anything else you can think of, Skylar doesn't care. He simply plows through. Even if he falls, gets a bruise the size of Montana, and cries a little, he gets back up again and keeps going. He doesn't let the little things keep him down.

And that, my friends, is why my nephew, Skylar, is my hero. You gotta love him!

Do you have a hero you want featured on Life Before the Bucket? Just leave a comment and let me know or drop me an e-mail - I promise I'll respond!
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