
More Shameless Plugging

So it's Sunday morning, and I'm awake before the sun rises. This is old news to most anyone who has read this blog at some point or another. Unless I take sleeping pills, I just don't sleep. 

However, today is different. 

Today, I have strict instructions on what I am to do once I'm awake - which I guess is now. And if I remember correctly, those instructions had nothing to do with blogging and everything to do with cleaning and packing so that we can move for our internships. 


My wonderful wife will forgive me. I hope. In the meantime, I have to make this short and sweet, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. So since I don't have time to write an actual post this morning, I want to direct you to some people that do!

Here's a few blogs that I guarantee you'll enjoy. Money-back guarantee, in fact.

Frequently Unasked Questions - I've actually only been following this blog for a week or two, and it's quickly becoming one of my favorites. The author is funny, witty, and thought-provoking and uses his platform to address questions we often don't want to (or are scared to ask). Check it out!

My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream - This blog is authored by a stay-at-home-mom who posts about life in general, but usually with a humorous twist. I guarantee that if you spend a little time reading this blog, you'll smile. And we all need to smile a little more!

Syntax Stories - This blog has a little different flavor to it than the rest. It's written by a friend of mine named Eric, and if you're into short stories or poetry, this is definitely a blog you need to check out. He's gonna be the next Hemingway (that's supposed to be a really high compliment, but I'm not up on poets, so if I'm wrong, correct me!). 

So there you have it! If you know of a blog that needs to be shamelessly plugged in the near future, let me know about it! I'd be thrilled to check it out, give them a follow, and then feature them on here!
What's your favorite blog to read? Do you have a certain topic that you love reading about? Let me hear about it (or anything else that's on your mind!) in a comment, an e-mail (awaller1990@gmail.com), or on the Life Before the Bucket Facebook page!
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