
On Forgetting

My beautiful wife and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary (June 2nd is our actual date, in case you were wondering) this weekend. Epiiiiic!

Alright. Here's the deal, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between.

I have been intending to start a Friday series for the last few weeks. However, I kept forgetting, and this week was no exception. I got up, made my coffee, and went through my blogs that had updated so far this morning, trying to think of what I was going to write about today. And then it hit me as I stumbled over my last blog.

Duh! I wanted to start doing Five Minute Friday!

Five Minute Friday is a writing/blogging exercise that originated with The Gypsy Mama. You should definitely check out her blog and participate if you're interested!

Ironically enough, the topic of today's "Five Minute Friday" is "On Forgetting." And here are the rules, per TGM's blog:

  1. Write for 5 minutes straight without editing your voice.
  2. Link back to The Gypsy Mama and invite others to join.
  3. Check out the person who did the 5 Minute Friday before you (via TGM's blog) and leave them a comment!
Pretty simple, eh? So here goes nothing!

On Forgetting...
If you know me personally, you know that I am a forgetful person. I forget directions, my keys, my wallet, my mind, and just about anything else you can forget about (I can't remember what else I was going to list here, after all).

To me, it doesn't make much sense, because I'm great at memorizing things in school. I probably know 500 Greek vocabulary words, but I couldn't tell you what my plans are for the weekend. I suppose that's why I keep my wife around. If it weren't for her, I'd forget to breathe... literally, sometimes.

Being as forgetful as I am seems mostly like a curse, but sometimes it's a blessing. First of all, it shirks me of pretty much any and all responsibility that I might have in remembering things, because nobody who is close to me trusts me to remember anything important.

I've also found that being forgetful is good for my relationships. You see, I'm the kind of person who takes Colossians 3 literally: "Forgive as the Lord forgave you." And to me, that says that I'm to forgive immediately, without hesitation, and then not hold a grudge for whatever has happened. It's almost like the idea of forgiving and forgetting is biblical! 

Now I'm not really sure if it is, but it's something I do. I have no problem forgiving someone for hurting me or doing something wrong and then just letting it go. It may be easier because I can hardly remember where I live, let alone a list of wrongs done against me, but I definitely find that living my life in a "forgive and forget" manner works for me. Try it out sometime!

STOP! (I'd say it in Spanish, but I've forgotten how...)

So there you have it! My first official Five Minute Friday! Take part if it looks interesting to you - the prompts are always thought-provoking, and you'd be surprised with what you come up with!

Are you as forgetful as I am? What do you think about the idea of "forgive and forget?" Leave a comment and let me know what you think! And while you're at it, share this post on Facebook or Twitter and let your friends know about Life Before the Bucket!
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