
More Shameless Plugging

Why yes, we DID have an awesome time celebrating our anniversary this weekend! Thanks for asking!

Ah. I love Sunday mornings. Whether I'm going to church or not, there's something about them that just refreshes me. When I wake up, it seems like I retain the peace I have while sleeping, but I'm awake and enjoying being alive. Maybe I'm the only one who is so fond of these mornings, but they make life a little more worthwhile.

This beautiful Sunday morning, I want to share a few blogs with you that I love, mostly because I'm obliged to by some "blogger curse" that will fall on me if I don't pass on the award that I received this week from Heather at My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream. The award I originally received was "The Adorable Blog Award." However, I quickly protested the award, going on strike and insisting that my masculinity wouldn't allow for such nonsense. Heather, being the wonderful person that she is, altered the award for me, creating a badge for "The Handsome Blog Award."

Much better, Heather. We're making progress. Just kidding!

I'm actually very appreciative of the award, so I will take it with glad pleasure and follow the rules that come along with it... sort of. Here are the rules that Heather posted with the award:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in a post (Thanks, Heather!).
  • Tell us 10 things about yourself.
  • Nominate your bloggers.
  • Contact these bloggers and let them know they they've received this award!
I'm definitely going to alter rule #2 here, because I don't have 10 interesting things to say about myself. Instead, I'm going to list 5 and hope you don't stop reading before then!

Also, I'm nominating every blog that I follow that is written by a guy. Which is like 3, or something like that. We've gotta stick together!

So here are the five random facts about yours truly...

Uno. I would love to start relearning Spanish. I learned Greek, after all

Deux. I don't know French. And while we're on the subject, I do love grilling. I don't know what that has to do with French, though...

San. I could never dream of learning Chinese. Unless God calls me to Taiwan, which I wouldn't mind a bit.

Four. I know a little Krio from Sierra Leone. As in about 10 words and phrases. I miss hearing it and wish someone around here knew it.

Pente. As I put my Greek skills to use, I have to admit that I do actually like school, but probably only because I'm good at it. If it was hard, I'm betting I would've quit a long time ago.

And now for blogs I want to nominate in no particular order. And I'm not going to call them "handsome" (because that's just a little weird)...

Single Dad Laughing - If you read Life Before the Bucket, you probably already read SDL. If you don't, you're missing out, so go check it out!

Will Work 4 Followers - So maybe I'm cheating a little, because this is written by the same guy who writes SDL. This is a blog that he just recently launched that aims to help people become "big bloggers." It's actually very helpful, and the conversations that stem from his posts are awesome!

Frequently Unasked Questions - I love, love, love this blog. It's hilarious, and best of all, it's written by a guy. This blog covers just about anything you could think of. Check it out now!

Stuff Christians Like - This blog takes a hilarious satirical look at the Christian life and is written by author Jon Acuff. Whether you're a Christian or not, you'll appreciate the new take on a lot of things that Christians do.

Jon Acuff - Sound familiar? Probably because you literally just read his name twice. This is Jon Acuff's other blog, where he usually focuses on encouraging and inspiring people to reach for the stars as they strive to achieve their dreams. Very encouraging stuff.

The Life of Kai - I think half of the reason I'm plugging this blog is so he'll post again. Kai is a good friend of mine who, coincidentally, is also a great writer and delivers a lot of food for thought in his blog.

So there you have it! I hope you have a great, relaxing Sunday. And whatever you plan to do today, enjoy it. Make the best of it.




Dooooo it.
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