
One of Those Days

I sit and stare out this same window every day, and I wonder what it would look like without a screen behind it or blinds in front of it...

Okay, here's the deal.

Blogger was broken for the larger part of yesterday. Suck.

I woke up 2 hours later than I usually do today. Sort of suck.

I weighed myself. I lost 2 pounds. This is not okay. Double suck.

My lungs are currently on a mission to murder me. Super suck.

Therefore, I don't have a lot for you today. Nothing awe-inspiring or entertaining. No witty one-liners to help you bust a gut. 

Instead, I just want to leave you with this thought:

God is good, even when "good things" aren't happening. He'll take care of you if you just let him. 

And I'm working on letting him right now.
How do you keep your faith strong when things aren't going well? What do you use to give yourself a pick-me-up when you're down? Let me hear about it (or anything else that's on your mind!) in a comment, an e-mail (awaller1990@gmail.com), or on the Life Before the Bucket Facebook page!
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