Do me a favor. Tell me how difficult this sentence is to read:

We can all pretty much decipher that it's supposed to say, "All I want to do during the summer is sleep and swim." Because we're all geniuses around here. Ya know?
But imagine if an entire blog post looked like that.
I don't want to - that's for sure. It just makes me cringe thinking about it.
Now I'm no grammar Nazi. However, I might be a grammar Commie, because I notice a lot of typos when I read things. Not usually when I read my own writing, though (because, naturally, I'm perfect... just kidding). But trust me when I say that those wretched typos are everywhere. And that's why I need your help.
You see, on occasion, a monkey might attack me while I'm writing up a blog post, and distract me just enough to get me to make a misstep as I write.
Yes, there are monkeys that break into houses in the middle of Kansas. Don't question my judgment!
So you see, when these monkeys attack, there's very little I can do, because frankly, all I want to do is take a picture of them, not write. So mistakes may happen. Sometimes I can avoid it, but most of the time, I can't.
That's why I need you to help me. Help me find these stinking typos!
If you ever notice a typo around here, feel free to leave a comment and let me know about it - I'm not scared for the whole world to know I'm not perfect. Really, it relieves a lot of pressure. Plus, I can just blame it on the primates, so no harm done.
Poor monkeys. Getting all the blame for all my problems. I almost feel bad...
Have you ever seen typos, but been scared to tell authors about them? How about any funny typos you've seen that have really made things funny? Or are you someone who never notices these things? Either way, I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else!) in a comment or an e-mail!