My marriage is funny.
Seriously, it makes me laugh.
First of all, my wife loves cooking. This is definitely not a problem. However, her favorite thing to cook is sweets. Baking is her niche.
This is where things get funny: I don't like sweets.

Now I've only been married for two years, so all of this is subject to change. But what I've learned over the course of the last two years (and the three years prior to that while dating my wife) is that if she likes something, and I don't, she's going to suck me in and make me like it anyway.
I can't help it. She's so darn cute.
The other day, I noticed that she has begun subtly invading my preferred meat and potato diet. It began with Easter. I always get a buttload of candy at Easter and I never eat it. Maybe I enjoy watching the chocolate bunny mold. I'm not sure.
My wife was determined to not let the candy go to waste, though. She proceeded to rectify my egregious wrong by putting out a bowl of candy in the middle of the living room, conveniently located within arm's reach of my favorite seat. That bowl is now nearing emptiness.
She's a tricky one, I tell ya.
I realized that this invasion of my diet had been taken to a whole new level a couple of weeks ago when she went grocery shopping for us. She usually does the shopping because I get lost, distracted, or forget where I'm going and come home without any food. And then we starve.
This trip, though, she asked me if I wanted her to buy me some ice cream. In our two years of marriage, we've never bought ice cream. But I did it. I approved. And the rest is history.
Now I realize that my wife's invasion of my diet is completely kosher. These things happen when you get married. Or maybe I'm the only one. Either way, though, this wasn't totally unexpected for me. Especially in light of a recent discovery that I made: my mother's ice cream addiction.
Now most people would describe me as being as skinny as a rail. But if I'm a rail, my mother is a toothpick. She disappears when she turns to the side. It's crazy! But every night before bed, she indulges in a big, fat bowl of ice cream.
EVERY night. Sick, isn't it? And her freezer is usually stocked with at least 3 kinds of ice cream. Who needs 3 different tubs of ice cream?!
Well, I'm convinced that her love of ice cream is a genetic thing, because after my wife bought that ice cream for me, I started doing the same thing. I started indulging in an overflowing bowl of cookies and cream ice cream every night, and I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about it.
Mmm... I do love my ice cream.
But it makes me wonder... What else is my wife changing about me without telling me?
I've got my eye on you, wife.
I'd love to hear your feedback from this post if you hadn't already read it! Have you noticed these sort of changes in your own relationships or marriage? What sort of things do you refuse to change, regardless of your partner's preference? What things have they changed as a result of what you like? Let me hear about it in a comment or an e-mail!