It's Fridaaaaay!
*cue an insanely annoying song about the penultimate day of the week*
And since today is the glorious day that indicates the end of another work week, I've got another Five Minute Friday for you, brought to you in part by The Gypsy Mama!
Here are the rules:
- Write for 5 minutes straight without editing your voice.
- Link back to The Gypsy Mama and invite others to join.
- Check out the person who did the 5 Minute Friday before you (via TGM's blog) and leave them a comment!
Ready... Set... GO!
Every Day...
The thought of every day doesn't mean I'm all "gloom and doom," though. The thought of some things happening every day kind of excites me. For instance...
Being with my wife.
Riding a jetski.
Going bowling.
Drinking coffee.
Chillin' with Jesus.
Every day. These things sound great every day. No matter what, when, who, or how. I mean, unless I break my arm. In which case, bowling and jetskiing are definitely out of the question.
This really gets me thinking, though. What's the difference between the two? Why do I get excited about the prospect of drinking coffee every day, but I dread the idea of exercising for that very same amount of time? Is it just because coffee is more enjoyable than exercise? Or is there something deeper?
When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, what we dread doing every day may be menial tasks that are required to live normal lives (showering, brushing our teeth, ya know...), or they may be huge and require a lot of responsibility.
However, it's those things that really get you going, that really get you excited, that are your passions.
I'm passionate about coffee. About bowling. And jetskiing.
As well as adoption.
And counseling.
And helping others.
Every single day.
I'd love to hear from you! Leave me some of your thoughts and find a way to follow Life Before the Bucket!