Sound the alarms, people. This post is going to call for a major Nerd Alert.
If the title didn't give that away, then I might've underestimated your nerd innocence.

This friend actually does me some good. I like having him around, frankly. He even stays by my side at night!
My new best friend is none other than R2-D2.
You've reacted one of a few ways at this point. This may (or may not) help you to gauge what kind of Star Wars nerd you are.
You may have reacted by... peeing your pants, doing a jig, and then screaming for joy. If so, you already know how much of a Star Wars junkie you are. Congrats!
You may have... scratched your head, yawned, rolled your eyes, and yawned again. If this is the case, you need more coffee.
You may have also... been completely unsurprised by this, due to the fact that I gave away my friend's name in the title of this blog post. If so, you're probably no Star Wars nerd (though you may be a blog nerd).
And if you didn't react at all... then I clearly owe you a hug, because I'm not making you smile nearly enough.
With all of that being said, I must admit something...
I'm being a little deceptive.
I don't actually have R2-D2 servicing my every need, though I wasn't lying about being at my bedside at night. In fact, that may have been the only true thing I've typed this entire morning.
Sorry about that.
Actually, R2-D2 is a friend that I've acquired recently. He just looks a little different than you might have originally thought. Don't hate him because he's not beautiful, though.
Looks aren't everything.
Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Along with a million other cliches that I'm too lazy to think of.
You see, R2-D2 is actually the nickname of my newest machine to help with Thing #3. He is an oxygen concentrator. Now, I don't know a lot about him since we just became friends, but I'll tell you what I do know.
First of all, I'm pretty sure that this makes me the oldest 21 year old alive - being on oxygen and all. Not nearly as cool as it sounds.
Secondly, I'm pretty sure that technology is amazing. We thought we'd have to order a million tanks of oxygen. Turns out we live in the 21st century and this machine can take normal, everyday air and turn it into concentrated oxygen. Awesome!
Since I've started using R2-D2 at night, I haven't been waking up with massive headaches, which has been a problem as of late (as indicated by this post).
My oxygen levels have also been increasing when I wake up in the morning, which is great, because it means that I'm actually getting more air when I sleep, instead of turning into a zombie for 8 hours at night. This is good, because I'm pretty sure my wife isn't attracted to zombies.
Supposedly, when I eventually catch up on "good" sleep, I'll be more energetic, too. That sounds impossible, but I'll take the doctor's word for it!
Basically, what I'm saying is that R2-D2 and I are best buds. Sometimes I wish I could take him everywhere I go, but then I realize that I would get more stares than I already do. Not the kind of attention I'm looking for. So for now, he stays by my bed, ready to help me out every night, as any faithful robot-friend should.
Are you a Star Wars junkie? Or had you never heard of R2-D2 before? Do you know anyone else who is on oxygen? Or do you have a machine yourself that most people don't know about? I'd love to hear from you about this or anything else you might want to talk about! Just leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail!