As I opened my eyes this morning, I was a little tired.
I rolled over, checked out the time on my phone (6:30 AM, as always - with no alarm), and crawled out of bed.

I sort of half-walked, half-slept my way into the kitchen, ready to start another day. But not before I made myself a cup of coffee. Days don't actually start until that first sip, don't ya know?
I prepared the coffee as usual. Empty old grinds. Put in new ones. Insert into Keurig. Press a button and wait.
I left the kitchen, knowing full well that when I returned in a minute, I'd have a piping hot cup of coffee waiting to be consumed.
What I found, instead, almost ruined my morning...
an empty cup of coffee!
Now, being too tired to panic, I just sort of stared at the cup for a couple of minutes. I decided one of a few things could have happened.
Option A: An overzealous, coffee-loving elf drank all my coffee, but was nice enough to leave my cup.
Option B: All of the coffee in the world had been raptured because there was a shortage in Heaven.
Option C: My Keurig might have actually broken.
Now, granted, none of these options sounded very appealing. Unfortunately, I knew one of them had to be true.
I looked around for a little while, searching for evidence of an elf invasion. No coffee drips, glitter, or sugar sprinkled anywhere. Hmm...
Next, I went to searching for the rest of my coffee. And, lo and behold, it wasn't raptured. I found all of my coffee and breathed a deep sigh of relief. Why on earth would Jesus expect me to live without coffee?
Which brought me to the inevitable conclusion... My Keurig is having some issues.
Sad, sad day.
It had done this before, about 2 months ago, but then it started working like a charm again, so I didn't pay much attention. This time, though, it was just being a butt. It would pretend to work well, but when it was time for it to deliver the goods, it choked. Literally and figuratively.
Fortunately, I'm persistent and wrestled with the stupid machine for about half an hour, hitting it, begging it, pressing buttons, and praying. And it eventually gave me the cup of coffee I wanted.
Sadly, I think it's time to call the K-people and get a replacement. My faithful, ol' Keurig just couldn't handle the pressure.
Now what on earth am I supposed to do for coffee until the new one gets here?!
Another crisis for another day.
Do you have a Keurig (or something like it) at home? Have you ever had problems with it? Do you have any other electronics that you rely on that break down on you? How do you usually react? I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else)! Just leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail!