
I Did it! I Did it!

Worked our usual nine-hour shift yesterday and it actually flew by for the first time. Maybe this is what it's like to be at a job you enjoy...

Alrighty, my mighty Bucketeers (can I call you that?). I have some fan-freaking-tastic news...
I guest posted on someone else's blog!

I'm pumped. I mean, beyond pumped, really. Which is why I'm going to postpone my "Time for Honesty" (which would typically be today). Because this is flipping awesome!

I'm stoked. Can you tell?

So go check it out. NOW!!!

Oh... wait. You need the link. My bad.

Here it is!


And while you're at it, comment on the post and thank the crap outta Heather for giving me this chance! And follow her, because she was epic enough to allow me to guest post on her rad blog!

And if you think of it, let me know what you think of the post! I was super nervous submitting it (I know, very cool), so I hope it came out alright!
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