
My Quiet Place

The world's largest pot of coffee wouldn't be enough to wake me up today...

We all have a "quiet" place, right?

For some people, it's in bed. For others, it's in at a spa or in a hot tub. Meanwhile, others claim that it's wherever their family isn't.

And for those of you that don't have a quiet place... I suspect your insanity may get the best of you soon. You should get that checked out and find a quiet place ASAP.

No, seriously.

I'm not sure what I'd do without my quiet place.  

First of all, I wouldn't have a blog, because it seems to be the only place that my head is clear enough to think of things to write about. So that would just be sad for you. 

To boot, I wouldn't have any friends if I didn't seek out my quiet place frequently. Just trust me on this one.

Finally, I would go insane if I didn't have a quiet place, because, frankly, I like to be alone. Some would call me a recluse. I'd tend to agree with them, though I'd rather not be associated with a group of poisonous spiders. Maybe if I could be a blue recluse... that'd be kind of cool.

In all seriousness, though, I do have a quiet place, and I do love it. My quiet place can be found...

in the shower.

Okay, maybe I'm already insane. But you're still reading, so I must be making some sense, right?

I love taking showers. It's pretty weird.

If I don't feel good, I shower.

If I feel good, I shower.

If I'm bored, I shower.

If I have too much to do, I shower.

See what I'm saying? I love taking showers!

There's something about showers that bring out my best ideas, too. I really need to invest in a waterproof notepad, because by the time I get out, I've forgotten everything. It's sort of like when you wake up from a dream, have a brilliant idea, get up, and POOF! It's gone. It's sad, really.

What's odd about my enjoyment of showering is that it actually usually aggravates my lungs. I get coughing like a madman while I'm in there, but I hardly notice, simply because I'm at peace.

And that's what's so cool about having a quiet place. Nothing else matters. Life's hardships are checked at the door. You're left alone, by yourself, with nothing but quietness to accompany you. I'm not sure who invented the idea of a quiet place, but they should have copyrighted it and found a better marketing team, because people need it these days than ever.

Quietness is hard to find.

Once you find it, it's even harder to keep.

So once you have it, don't let it go.

Do you have a quiet place? Where is it? What's it like? What stops you from spending time there? If you don't have one, have you ever thought about finding one? Or do you feel like you don't need one?

I'd love to hear from you! Just drop me a comment or send me an e-mail!
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