Okay, just kidding.
Been there, done that. One wedding was enough for me!
Today, two years ago, my wife and I stood before hundreds of people and proclaimed our love for each other. At the ripe, young age of 19, we knew who we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with, and we weren't ashamed.
Too young? Psh.
Too tough? Yeah right.
Too much for a 19 year old to handle? Wrong-o!
Two years ago today, we were wed. But five years ago, to this very day, we started dating. And we continue to date to this day.
Yes, married people still date each other.
It's way better than pre-marriage dating.
Truuuust me.
So, in honor of our five years of dating, I'd like to share with you five things I've learned since being married.
1. She is always right.
You and I both knew this was coming. It's the first thing most guys learn after being married for any amount of time. No matter what, no matter where, now matter when or how. She. Is. Right. Is she wrong? Too bad. She's right. Does it make sense? No. Does it work, though? Definitely.
2. When you marry the girl, you marry the family.
Now I definitely have to be careful about what I say here, because her family does read this blog from time to time... just kidding! I love them! Having a set of in-laws is like having an extra set of parents, which is great more times than it's not. But I definitely could've used a little more warning about how true this is before I got hitched.
No, this isn't open to discussion. I did, and that's that. Just look at her!
4. There is an appropriate length for every piece of hair on my head.
This most certainly coincides with the first thing that I've learned - she's always right. Every single piece of hair has its place on my head, and if it gets outta control, Kalyn will let me know. Is my hair getting a little long? Always. Is my mustache starting to show itself? Shave immediately. Is there hair anywhere on the sides of my face? Get that razor out. Is my beard longer than it is in that picture? Gotta find the beard trimmer before Kalyn trims it herself.
(Okay, she's actually pretty nice about it. I'm just telling you what I know!)
5. You don't stop pursuing the love of your life after you get married.
This is probably the most important thing that I've learned over the last two years that I missed before I got married. And it doesn't mean you start seeking more wives after you find your first one (unless you're into that sort of thing). Most of us (guys, at least) are left with the impression that once we say "I do," there's no more work to be done. You've got the girl - what else do you need? Well, there's a lot more to it than that.
You see, I love my wife. And I love her too much to stop pursuing her. She deserves my very best, and I want to try my hardest to keep winning her love. I want her to keep liking me as she did before we were married. Therefore, I am going to keep pursuing her like I did before we walked down the figurative aisle.
This girl means the world to me, and I am amazed every day at how much she cares about me. So today, this is just one of the ways that I want to say...
I love you, Kalyn!
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