I don't know what it is, but I love scrolling through Pinterest these days. Of course, as a guy, it's illegal for me to actually get an account, so I haven't gone that far... yet.
I'm in shock, people.
I disappeared off of the face of the blogging world for a week,
without warning, and there was no missing person's report filed on me. Shame, shame, shame...
I could've been abducted by aliens.
Or kidnapped by Big Foot.
Or even worse...
But I wasn't!
No, in fact, my absence was a good thing. It means a number of things. And since it is officially October, and thus, the first time it has ever been PCD Awareness Month, I wanted to let you in on what's going on.
(Not sure what PCD is? Check out this post.)
Basically, I'm working on getting better. And because getting better takes time, I had to give up the time in the morning when I typically compose blog posts. It's for a greater cause, though.
Yeah, this is the part where you freak out a little if you've never seen one of these. |
Right now, as I type, I have a tube in my arm. I know, I know. A little freaky when you think about it. It's called a PICC line, and it basically serves as a semi-permanent IV, so that I don't have to get stuck with a needle 42 times in 14 days.
Through this tube, I'm given medicine three times a day. It's a pretty strong antibiotic, to fight off the infection that has built in my lungs, known as
pseudomonas. Pseudo is pretty typical for PCD patients to get, but most people aren't susceptible to it, so you don't have to worry about getting sick from reading my blog or anything.
Unfortunately, the hospital in the city that I live in won't let me do the medicine myself. I've done it several times in the past, and it's really not a big deal. Unfortunately, that isn't the case this time. Instead, I get the pleasure of visiting the hospital three times a day: at
6 AM, 2 PM, and 10 PM.
Every day. No breaks. Not even for the weekends.
Basically, I end up spending about 3-4 hours a day in the hospital as a result. It leaves very little time for sleeping, let alone blogging.
So, in due time, I will be back in full blogging force. But next time I disappear, I'll be concerned if there's no concern about my absence. Just kidding!
Have a wonderful week. Make the best of it.