You don't recall that conversation? Check out this post from Monday.
Sir Tebow is a pretty popular dude - hence why I'm talking about him again.
You see, I highlighted something that T-squared said the other day, and I think that was pretty stinking important. However, there's something else he said in that same post-game interview that struck a chord with me. Something that resonated with my heart, that I can't let go of.
Here's the quote I pulled in full again, with a little different emphasis:
I’m very thankful for the platform God has given me…
It’s special to have the platform of playing football because I have an opportunity to affect people.Monday, I focused on the last sentence of Tebow's quote. And now, since it's the last day of the work week, I want to focus on the first thing Tebow had to say in response to hearing that he was a nationwide phenomena.
I was very excited to have Bailey Knaub here at this game… Football is amazing, we love it, but the real win is being able to comfort a girl who’s gone through 73 surgeries before the game and get a chance to go hang out with her now. That’s the biggest win of the day, so they’re both exciting, but that’s what I’m even more proud of.

And suddenly, a couple of days ago, I realized the same thing.
I have a platform, just like Tim Tebow. It may not be the same, but it's a stage nonetheless - eventually, I will have to bow out. And I want to be wise with the short set time that I have. I want to make it evident what I'm about and where my heart lies. And when I think about my heart, the first thing that comes to my mind is adoption.
I don't have enough time or web space to explain why I'm so passionate about this subject. That's another another topic for another blog post.
So here I am, on the stage I've been given (for now), bearing my heart's passion to you. I want to use this moment, while I have it, to issue a call to action. It may be small, but the impact of this action may be immeasurable. So here's the plea I'm issuing:
I, in the most sincere and passionate way, ask you to sign this petition. It is a small step toward a push for an extension of a tax credit which would help families fully fund adoptions beyond 2012.
Personally, I know of several families that were able to be formed as a result of this tax credit. And I know of several more are waiting in the wings, hoping that they too will receive the funds to fully fund their own adoption.
I know that petition signing seems like a loaded thing these days, but please consider taking a moment of your time to help support this very worthy cause.
And after you sign the petition, you better get to steppin'. After all, you, just like Tim Tebow, only have so much time left on the stage you've been given.
... ... ...
Questions: What does your stage look like? What do you ultimately hope to use your stage for?
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photo credit: Raven3k -
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