Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts


Free Books!

Time for a quick interview!

Can you read English? Oh,  you're reading this? Great!

Do you enjoy reading? Again, another self-answering question. Alrighty, then. Moving right along.

Do you blog? Because everyone's doin' it these days!

If you answered, "Yes," to all three of these questions, then I have a proposition for you. I benefit zero from whether you act on this or not, but I just wanted to get this information out to you, in case you weren't aware.

You see, if you enjoy reading and have a blog of some sort, then you can receive free books! It's any book-lovers dream!

The process is simple, really. I'm currently enrolled in three book review programs. These companies allow you to pick a book to review, and in return, you promise to review the books you're given on your blog and on a website like Amazon. It's simple, really. If you've ever seen my Book Reviews page, you can see that even a monkey could do it - unfortunately, none of the companies offer bananas for blogging, so the monkeys haven't joined in... yet.

The first book review program that I'm a part of is called Blogging for Books, through Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers. I have done the majority (actually, all) of my book reviews so far through this program, and it's wonderful. Some notable authors that I've reviewed books from: David Platt, Bruce Wilkinson, and Leonard Sweet.

The second book review program that I'm a part of is Book Sneeze, through Thomas Nelson Publishers. I just recently received my first book from them, and their process is as simple as Waterbrook's. However, I will note that the first time I applied, I was rejected (I wasn't given a reason why), so you might have to apply more than once. It's a simple process, though. The main author that I may have a chance to review from this program is Ted Dekker, though there are many other great authors offered through this program.

The third book review program that I'm a part of is the Tyndale Blog Network, through Tyndale. So far, I'm still waiting for my first book from them, which I ordered long ago. Their system is a bit more confusing than the other two, but a free book is a free book, so if you want to check them out, I wouldn't stop you.

So there you have it - free books! And I benefit directly from you signing up for these programs in no way. Check them out and sign up for 'em if you're interested!

... ... ...

Questions: Do you enjoy reading? What is one of your favorite books/authors? Do you review books for a company not mentioned here?

Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!

image credit - mazwebs -


A Simple Way to Better Yourself Right Now

Alright, my fellow Bucketeers! We have another wonderful guest post this week! Today I'm featuring Seth from Life as Experienced, and I'm really excited about what he has to say! Leave him a wonderful comment or 2 (or 3!) and check out his blog. Dooooo it!

A Simple Way to Better Yourself Right Now

Normally I set a list of goals each year.  I’m one of those guys who loves checking stuff off his to-do list each day, and even my big “To Do In (insert year)” list.  Every year there is one item that always seems to make it onto my annual list, and I’ve become more and more confident that it belongs on everyone’s list.  The item that holds my number 1 spot year after year is… “Read.”  The longer I live, (which hasn’t been too long thus far) the more convinced I am that reading is the easiest way to consistently better yourself.

Through books we have the chance to learn from some of the smartest people: both living and dead.  I can sit down with a cup of coffee and hear from C. S. Lewis or St. Augustine, John Grisham or Shakespeare.  I have the chance to read stories from master storytellers who have been around much longer than television.  I can listen to theological or philosophical arguments from individuals who are way more intelligent than I am. 

Me: Why is there pain and suffering?
C.S. Lewis: “The Problem of Pain”
Me: Tell me about how you experienced God.
St. Augustine: “Confessions of St. Augustine”
Me: Tell me a story
John Grisham: “The Rainmaker”
Me: What about a love story?
Shakespeare: “Romeo and Juliet”

See what I mean?  I can consult leading experts on everything from how to install a toilet to how to build a strong marriage (I’ve read books on both of those things).  Reading can challenge, entertain, encourage, mentor, manipulate, humor, enlighten, or anything else.

If I told you I knew a foolproof way to better yourself, you’d probably be interested, right?  Most people would without a doubt.  Yet I know way too many people who claim they don’t have time to read; they don’t have the patience for reading, or who just aren’t interested in literature.  Self-improvement always takes some work:  exercise, loving others, public speaking, sports, etc.  Take some time today to find a good book and start reading.  If you don’t start now, you’re just putting off improving yourself.

What are you reading right now?  What book would you recommend I read?


The "Far Country" is Not So Far Away

I'm very excited to be blogging today about an amazing opportunity I have - to review a free book I received from Blogging for Books! If you're an avid reader and have a blog to share reviews on, this is definitely a program you'd be interested in! Check out Blogging for Books here and get started reviewing your free books today!

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.

There are a couple of things that I don't like to discuss. When these things come up, I usually make up some sad excuse about my dog and leave.

For one, I don't like talking about "girl stuff." Unfortunately, I'm currently working in a pregnancy crisis center.

In addition, I shy away from discussing controversial topics, such as abortion or homosexuality. Again, the abortion issue is unavoidable where I work. However, people can't have a "crisis" pregnancy if they're engaging in a homosexual relationship, so I've been able to avoid that... until now.

After you read Out of a Far Country by Chris Yuan and Angela Yuan, you'll know what I mean. You can't get away from it. You realize very quickly how real the pain of rejection is for someone who is homosexual. The authors put together a great video trailer for the book that you can check out here:


An Ambitious Goal (to say the least): Read Every Book We Own

As you can imagine, this post is going to be about books. It is not, however, going to be about A Critical History of the Mission and Ministry of the Christian Church in Hawaii.

I know, I know. You're disappointed. Unfortunately, my fingers just don't have the stamina to type that title more than once. Plus, I don't have a clue what that book is about - I've never so much as touched it except to put it on the shelf. And herein lies the reason for a life goal I hope to eventually accomplish: I want to read every book we own...
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